Chapter 9

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            Marinette reluctantly woke up the next morning and slowly got ready for school. Her first day back since the accident. She didn't have any idea what it would be like. But she was reassured by the fact that Nathanäel, Adrien, and Alya would be there by her side.

Alya came up through the trap door, smiling encouragingly. "You ready?" She asked.

Marinette nervously smoothed her hair down. "I guess I'm as ready as I can be. Let's go."

The two girls left for school, both grabbing freshly baked apple turnovers on their way out the door. Marinette took a bite of the warm, buttery, flaky pastry and savored the sweet, hot apple filling that oozed into her mouth. She glanced over at Alya, who was doing the same.

Soon they arrived outside of the school. Before going in, Alya put her hands on Marinette's shoulders.

"I almost forgot. Chloé. Long blonde hair, obviously rich, super snobby. She's a jerk. She is going to be mean to you. Don't let it get to you. You didn't do anything wrong; she just enjoys being rude to everyone else. I repeat once again: Do not let it get to you." Alya emphasized, looking into Marinette's eyes. "You got that?"

Marinette nodded. "Y-yeah. Got it."

Whispers surrounded Marinette, but the look on Alya's face kept everyone from asking about it. Alya was a great friend, and wasn't going to let anyone mess with her forgetful bestie.

"Hey, Mari!" Nathanäel jogged towards Alya and Marinette. "Hi, Alya." The boy fell into step next to the pink-clad girl. "How are you doing?"
"Great." Marinette smiled. "I still don't remember anything, but I can manage myself. I'm ready for today."

Nathanäel smiled a toothy smile. "I'm so glad to hear that." He blushed nearly as red as his hair as the girl of his dreams smiled right back.

The trio was interrupted by a mocking laugh. "Are Marinette and Nathanäel a 'thing' now?" A girl in a yellow cardigan and striped shirt smirked. "How lame. Two losers in love. Well, at least you're not hopelessly crushing on my boyfriend anymore. Adrien and I can finally be a couple without you butting into our business all the time. Oh wait, you don't even know who Adrien is anymore, do you? I heard you can't even remember your own name. What a mess." The girl, presumably Chloé, cackled a high-pitched laugh. A girl with glasses and shoulder-length red hair laughed along with her.

Marinette was shocked. The cold pierced her heart with hurt. What had she ever done to this girl to deserve to be treated this way?

"Hey!" Nathanäel growled. "What's up with you? Marinette doesn't deserve to be treated this way! She never did anything wrong. You think that you can just make fun of a person for something they can't control? Not to mention that your statement is completely false. Marinette can handle herself just fine."

Marinette grew even more appalled. Nathanäel would stand up for her like that?

"If she can manage herself on her own, then why are you the one standing up for her? Chloé said smugly.

"Because that's what any decent person would do for someone they care about." Nathanäel replied, glancing at Marinette momentarily and smiling. "Marinette, don't listen to her. Nothing she's saying is true. You're amazing in every single way possible." He reached for Marinette's hand and looked into her beautiful blue eyes.

Marinette blushed, not sure whether or not she should hold his hand. His artist's fingers held her hand loosely, giving her a choice. She didn't know what to do. "Thank you, Nathanäel, I don't-"

"Aww, how sweet." Chloé sneered sarcastically.

Adrien walked into the room and stopped in his tracks, taking in the tense scene. "Ummm.... What's going on in here?" He raised his eyebrows.

Alya turned and answered before anyone else got the chance to open their mouths. "Miss Bourgeois here is just being a little mouthy."

"Chloé?" Adrien crossed his arms at the blonde brat.

"What? You're not really taking her side, are you?" Chloé scoffed.

"Actually," Adrien took a step back and put an arm around Marinette. "I am."

Chloé's mouth dropped. "Seriously? But-"

"Hey!" Nathanäel glowered at Adrien, pure poison in his eyes. He gestured to Adrien's arm around Marinette. "What gives?"

"What?" Adrien glared back defensively. "Do you not-"

The quarrelling was interrupted by a loud scream and a crash.

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