01 | Non Compos Mentis

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A fruity tang prominently lingered on her tongue the longer her canines impaled the viscous substance, as she dazed off into her muses while sitting by the same windowsill she frequented in her room

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A fruity tang prominently lingered on her tongue the longer her canines impaled the viscous substance, as she dazed off into her muses while sitting by the same windowsill she frequented in her room. Absent-minded and captivated by the pitiful scenery below, she was considerably a shut-in within the castle-- besides, one would be insane to refuse the safeguard bestowed upon the privileged, for the localities beneath were blanketed with calamitous discord.

Bubblegum; a fine creation, much to her liking. Once a perfect structure, it remains resilient even as it is ravaged by teeth. Unmeant to be devoured, the procedure perpetually steadies until the chewy substance loses savor, and becomes a flavorless vessel of insipidity.

Just like the fate of the civilians of Ataraxia.

The dazzling red hues in her pupils reflected against the glass, flecked with a ray of shine from the radiance outdoors. The weather outside was adequate; the sun glazed across the land, though it didn't signify that the suburb was any brighter. The bustling citizens below were a mere blur within what she assumed to be the central marketplace, unable to be perceived by the naked eye from the altitude of her position. Not by natural means, at least, but it was very much possible in the era of magic.

"Idling by the window again, Levi? The inanities below aren't a sight for sore eyes, dear."

A new figure hovered above her own in the sheeny reflection of the glass, as a pair of orange eyes (resembling that of pumpkins, or perhaps persimmons) scrutinized the gum-chewing girl. From the mirror image alone, she discerned the other female's luscious, light copper locks, neatly framed around her face. The girl dressed herself as extravagant as always to reflect her lavish lifestyle, consisting of a lavender floral pin, golden pendant, and choker adorned with black ruffles. A bright honeysuckle dress embellished with more floral designs fixed on her form, accompanied by even greater appendages. In comparison, the bubblegum girl was far from ostentatious, preferring simple, single-colored robes with her low, pink-dyed twintails.

An audible 'pop' sounded, as her bubble burst. Her bubblegum bubble, at least-- her temper stored a greater capacity than a mere breath freshener, or so she thought. Reluctantly tilting her head to the side, her pupils locked with the late teenager, narrowing her eyes in displeasure.

"It's been how many years? Five? Seven? May I remind you that my name is Levia? For Ataraxia's sake, it wouldn't kill you to pronounce the extra syllable, dearest." Levia rolled her eyes, lightly sighing with a tint of irk in her tone. "I'll do what I want, thank you. You should know that I'm fond of this landscape."

It was true that the landscape worked its wonders on alluring her attention. The skies outside naturally blended together in their vast variety of blue hues, mixed in with ample amounts of sunshine and precipitation for Ataraxia to shine as a nation with desirable climate. Outwardly, the country appeared as a heaven to reside in. It was, until a few decades ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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