Wow. Is all I can think.
So many questions are running through my mind that I can't even fathom to let slip out of my mouth knowing it will make my pain worse.
Everything hurts.
My throat,
My legs,
My arms from all of the needles inside of them,
My head,
And my heart especially.
I've been procrastinating on telling Dylan, knowing this is all too much for even me.
I feel like crying....screaming. Letting all of this pain and worry and fear out in one swift blow.
Two minutes later, I am crying-no, bawling my eyes out. I am the only one in the hospital room right now, my doctor and nurses checking on other patients, and my mother getting clothes for me.
2 weeks. 2 weeks I'll be here in this hospital.
I cry and cry and when I am done I wipe my eyes and exhale.
It's been two days and Dylan has been texting me repeatedly, saying things like,
Is everything okay?
Are you okay?
Babe, what's going on?
I just can't bring myself to tell him. Or Maddie. Or Harley.
I think and think and decide to tell Maddie first.
I dial her number and on the 3rd ring she answers.
"Hey" she says.
"Hi Maddie we need to talk." I say.
"What's going on? Are you okay?" she asks worriedly.
"Well, I actually don't want to do this over the phone. All I'm going to say is go to St. Mary's Hospital. Ask for my name. II'll explain what's going on when you get here." I say and before she can say anything, I hang up.
I cry again.
All I can do now is wait for her to get here. So I decide to shut my eyes and relax for a little bit.
Wow. Is all I can think