1 month.
4 weeks.
28 days.
672 hours.
40,320 minutes.
2,419,200 seconds.
Wow, I keep thinking of this, and the more I do, the more deeper in depression I'm in.
Every time Dylan or Maddie comes to the door, I fall deeper and deeper.
My skin has become even paler than it originally was, another symptom of dyeing I guess.
I've been reading The Fault In Our Stars over and over again. I feel so much like Hazel Grace, like I'm just a grenade. But Hazel, Hazel Grace had Augustus. Augustus Waters, who loved her more than anyone. But me...I've got no one.
Dylan comes everyday, knocking on the door. My mom lets him inside everyday to talk to him, but covers for me, telling him I'm to weak to get up. But in reality, I am weak without him.
To be honest, I want Dylan. I want him to be my Augustus Waters, though I am the grenade.
I lay on my bed, reading Chapter Five of The Fault In Our Stars for the 21st time, and counting.
I hear a knock on the door an sigh. Either Dylan or Maddie.
I faintly hear my mom say,"Dylan! Nice to see you again"
"Hello Megan. How's Blake today?" he asked.
"Oh, she's in her room and she-" she tries but I interrupt.
"H-Hi Dyl-lan" I stutter.
"Blake!" he cries excitedly.
"Um, wanna come to my room so we can talk?" I ask timidly.
"YEA! I mean, sure." he replies and my mom laughs.
"I'll make some sugar cookies. Your favorite Blake." she says.
We sit on my bed for a while, in a thoughtful silence.
"I missed you Blake." Dylan says, breaking the silence.
"Believe it or not, I missed you too," I say and he smiles, "asshole." his smile fades.
"Blake, I am so sorry. I was so stupid and I thought being with Maddie would help my pain go away." he said and I winced.
The mention of her name...I just...I couldn't believe she would do such a thing to me. Well maybe, I should've known. She had bullied me almost all of high school. I'm the stupid one to believe she had changed.
"Look," Dylan offers. "I'll do anything, ANYTHING, to get you back."
I sigh, a long waited sigh. I consider my options:
If I take him back, I'm the stupid one, and when...when the time comes for me to...go...he'll be hurt.
If I don't, I'm gonna be stuck in this lonely house 'til the end and Dylan stays hurt.
Those are all so depressing, so I did the only practical thing. I think.
I kissed him.