After the blood incident, I get to go back home, but little does Maddie and Dylan know! Harley is actually taking me to Maddie's house to surprise her! Oh she's gonna be so happy!
-- • --
"She's down in the basement hon, she's got a friend over, I don't know if you know 'em though." Maddie's mom says.
"That's okay Karen." I say and make my way to the basement door.
I open it ever so slightly and walk down the stairs. Then I see something weird. Maddie has not a girl, but a boy over, and they're... how do British people say it? Snogging? <--- ew what the fuck? Anyway let's not get off topic. Well, they were making out. The guy looked...familiar. Like, 'known him all your life' familiar, like 'the back of your boyfriends head' familiar, like 'Mr. Dylan Dauzat' familiar. Omg Blake shut up.
I guess I made a noise, and that guy turned around and I saw he familiar fake blue orbs staring at me in shock.
"Uh... Did I interrupt something?" I asked, my anger rising.
"Blake, I can explain!" Dylan said. Okay, why do they always say that? 'I can explain'? Its so stupid, cause what is there to explain?
"What do you have to explain? How you just 'accidentally' made out with Maddie? How you just 'happened' to be sucking my best friends face?"
"Blake, don't be like that." Maddie said.
"Were you guys... doing this the whole time? Was I just... just an extra?" By now I'm livid.
"No!" Dylan exclaims. "Blake, you're all that matters to me! Me and Maddie, we just had to get out of our pain of nearly losing you."
I laugh. No, not laugh. I cackled. I cackled so loud Maddie's mom asked if I was okay.
"Oh, yes, I'm fine Karen." I smirked and looked over to Maddie and Dylan who looked absolutely stumped.
"So, uh, you guys were hurting, so you just decided to suck face?" I cackled once more clutching my stomach.
"I have been in the hospital for 3 weeks, 3 WEEKS!" By now I'm yelling. "I HAVE BEEN SICK, FOR WHO KNOWS LONG. DO YOU SEE ME MAKIN' OUT WITH MY BEST FRIENDS BOYFRIEND? MAKING OUT WITH HARLEY? NO!" Maddie gulped.
"Babe, please just-"
"Don't fucking call me that, because I know you've been calling this fucking tramp the same thing." Maddie's jaw dropped to the floor.
"What did you just call me?" she asked, her right eye twitching.
"A tramp." She rolled her eyes.
"Dylan, are you gonna let her talk to me that way?"
Dylan looked at me, then at Maddie, then back at me.
"Maddie, shut up for once in your life." I said.
"Omg, Dylan!" she yelled.
"You know what, have a good life," I said. "with this girl that will do nothing for herself. When I die, you guys will be on your knees crying, and I'm cocky enough right now I say it."
"Blake!" Dylan said.
"Yeah, have fun with her. I'm just gonna leave now, and tell Harley what just happened. Have a fun life the both of you." I started to walk up the stairs when Dylan tugged at my arm.
"Don't do this." he said, with pleading eyes.
"No I'm gonna do this," I said. "and this," I gave him the finger and waved it around. "and this." and kicked him in the balls. he fell down the stairs holding his tiny little balls.
"Have fun sucking that tiny, little, miniature, small, microscopic, short little dick Maddie. Trust me, it isn't fun." And with that, I left the house.
Sorry for all the bad words an stuff...
I got angry just writing this! and this is probably how I would deal with this situation...but worse.
Anyway, yay I finally updated!!!
So yeah.
Okay bye