The party ended after a while but Maddie, Dylan, and Harley stayed back. Blake's mom went to a hotel for the night, telling the teens they could stay there and to "Be safe." and "Make good choices."
The group was all downstairs watching a movie called, "The Hangover" talking about random stuff while Blake did her homework.
Blake became sad, thinking of how she wouldn't be able to do this anymore. She couldn't hang out with her friends, watch movies, or even do homework. it had been really getting to her, the fact that the doctors might actually have a good estimate on how many days she has left to live.
Only 2 and a half months left and every time she thought of it, she cried.
Blake kept in her tears this time, knowing she could stay strong, and that her friends would see her, and she hates pity.
"You guys." Blake choked out.
"Yea babe?" Dylan asked his eyes filled with care.
"Uh-uh... Wh-what happens if I d-don't m-make it?" she asked not ready for the answer.
"You know you're going to. We are all here for you. You can make it 'cause guess what? You are strong. You're going to fight off this cancer because we believe in you. Now all you have to do is believe in yourself." Harley said. Everyone stared at him with wonder and amazement. Harley almost never talked, and when he did, it was never as heart-felt as this.
Blake ran to Harley and pulled him in a hug and sobbed in his shoulder. Dylan clenched his jaw and said,
"Uh...I think that's enough." Blake laughed and skipped over to Dylan and pecked his lips. He smiled and the tense in his shoulders went away.
After a short while, Maddie and Harley left because they had practice in the morning. Blake and Dylan stayed back at the house and decided to do something to get Blake's mind cleared from everything.
"Let's bake!" Dylan said giddy.
"Sure." Blake grabbed the ingredients and set them on the counter. They began the process until Dylan stopped abruptly.
"I said we would finish something later. Didn't I?" he said with a wink.
He comes closer to me and I bite my lip. We move next to each other and he presses his lip to mine.
Our lips dance and our bodies move in sync. He licks my bottom lip begging for entrance. I open my mouth and he runs his warm tongue against mine. He has his hand on my hip and pulls me closer planting small kisses on my neck making me moan in response. He smiles into the kiss and I grab a hold of his hair and tug, knowing that is his favorite thing a girl does while kissing.
He bites my bottom lip and my knees go weak. He grabs my thighs wrapping them around his waist and my whole body ignites with fire.
"Blake." he breathes. His chest moves up and down rapidly and he backs away. He bites his lip and says,
"I love you Blake."
"I love you too." I reply and he groans.
"What?" I ask.
"Nothing... it's just when people say 'too' it just sounds like their agreeing, not that they love me.
I roll my eyes playfully and peck his lips.
"I love you." I say and he laughs.
HI GUYS(: I hope you love this chapter because it took me forever to write because I haven't even had my first kiss yet so I don't have any experience. So I kinda went to Chapter 16??? yea I think was 16 of AFTER and stole a couple things from dat🙊🙈
Only like two lines so don't sue me(:
Anyway I love you guys!
Dear Paisley, Maddie, and Abbi,
I love you guys soooo much!!! I'll see you(Abbi an Maddie) at school tomorrow and Paisley, Fave Time me!
Okay bye💕