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Ife sat at the queen's feet, anxiety coursing through her veins. The queen had made good on her promise to call on her when she was not "aiding" Fumnaya.

Queen Adae was a cheerful sort of woman, easily excited, quick to smile. She seemed the exact opposite of the king, a man who seemed quite stern in comparison. With Ife at her side, she seemed even more eager to take on the tasks assigned to her.

"I've always wanted a seer in my court," Adae said merrily, "I'm happy to have you here."

"Thank you, your highness."

"When Fumnaya began to act out with his frustration, the servants avoiding him, he frightened them with his dark mood. He's always been..."

Ife spoke before she could stop herself, "Discontent."

The queen nodded, "Yes, discontent. Even when he was young he was unhappy. But I've never seem him so...so passionate before you. The look in his eyes when he described you, when he told me he wanted no one over you. I didn't know he could burn so bright for anything...anyone. I always want to see him that way, so exuberant. I owe you thanks."

"I...I do not deserve your thanks, I've done nothing special." Ife said quietly. She had done nothing but inspire uncontrollable lust in the man, nothing more...not yet. She knew what lie in his future, what was to come.

Adae waved off her words, "Nonsense, accept my thanks."

Ife did not argue but merely spent the rest of the day listening to the queen talk, helping her decide what jewels were more beautiful, and other minimal activities that seemed to pass the time.

Fumnaya wiped at the sweat on his brow. Akua at his side as they made their kill.

"You're in high spirits." Akua said knowingly.

Fumnaya noticed the smug look on is friends face and laughed, "Should I not be?"

"Your frustration has been apparent but now that you have your woman...you are different."

"I feel different." Fumnaya admitted solemnly, "She does not humor me. She does not tell me what I wish to hear despite my title. She defies me constantly and does so with finality."

Akua laughed whole-heartedly, "She is either very brave or very mad."

"She is courageous. She provokes my anger purposefully. She is bold." Fumnaya could not help the grin that now played on his lips, "But she gives me pride in her fearlessness, no matter how much I sometimes wish for her compliance."

"You truly have the changed, my friend. She has done you good. Now let us hail our kill back so that you may have your woman once more."

And they did just that. Their kill was a large buffalo, it's long black horns protruded from its head, its eyes a dull lifeless black. It had taken them hours to find a good trail and then the battle to catch one had been another all together.

Fumnaya had not minded the hunt. It had given him time to think on all that had happened. The claim that had turned out to be so much more, the fierce woman that saw through is exterior. He had realized that the hollow feeling that long been growing inside him no longer felt so...empty. He felt an unfamiliar, though wanted, warmth where nothingness once resided.

He attributed his new found satisfaction in life to her: Ife.

To gaze upon her was to be held captive in the sun's rays. To hold her was to bask in pure pleasurable bliss that had otherwise felt unattainable. To touch her skin was to feel the earth beneath his fingertips.

Had he changed? The answer all in itself was obvious enough. He had more than changed, he had grown, his vision had brightened. Upon first seeing her, he knew that wanted her, grew frustrated with need when she was not in his reach. Craved her like a starving man.

And still he did so...craved her, thirsted for her. He was a lion, in need of water to quench his thirst and she was an oasis of fresh blue that lulled him forward, liquid gold at its finest, engulfing his tongue in brilliant, shining, shimmering transfixation; a taste, a feeling that he was sure would never leave him. That very thought gave him resolve, pushing him forward to be near her once more.

Ife pushed aside the cloth door and stepped into the prince's hut. Already her heart was pounding, though in all honesty, she should already be used to what lie inside in wait for her. Fumnaya was inside, the large tub of gold before him. The scent of rose and coconut premiated the air, emanating from tht tub.

He was removing the silver cuff on his wrist, the golden choker around his neck, the many rings on his fingers. He turned toward her on her arrival, his eyes appraising her.

She walked forward, attempting to avoid him. She didn't.

His arm reached for her, locking it around her waist and pulling her close. "You do not want to greet me?" He asked teasingly, holding her close.

Pressed so close to him, she could smell his skin. He smelled of sweat, heat, the faint reminiscence of coconut oil and a unique male musk that was his. A familiar explosion burst forward in the pit of her stomach. A feeling that had her trembling in his hold.

"Must I greet you when I see you every day?" She asked softly, huskily.

He chuckled at her candor, brushing his thumb over the skin of her cheek, passing slowly over her lip. "Did you miss me?"

Before she could offer an answer he leaned down and kissed her gently.

It was a kiss that she enjoyed too much. She pulled away, turning from his growing affections. She scrunched up her nose, using the only tactic that came to mind. "Let me go, you stink."

He laughed at her words, though surprise clouded his feature. There was genuine amusement on his face, shining in his eyes. She stared at him in shock and, secretly, in appreciation. He was a handsome naturally but with a real smile on his face, he seemed to glow with his radiance.

"Then it will please you to know that I intend to bathe now." He reached down, pulling his waist cloth loose and letting it fall between them, before hugging her closer once more. She pressed into his nakedness, gasping. "With you," he said deeply. 

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