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She allowed herself to be kissed. His embrace was anticipated and even welcomed now. Though she refused to admit the latter. His hands were never clumsy in their movement, always sure. He nibbled at her neck, his fingers playing over her soft brown skin, leaving a trail of fire in their wake.

A moan escaped her lips but still she did not stop him from his gentle exploration. A morning routine that he seemed to more than enjoy. A routine that had become as familiar as it had become exciting.

He buried a hand in her thick, black, mane and brought it to his nose, inhaling. Desire shined in his eyes, though it always did when he gazed upon her. He worshipped her brown skin, her dark, knowing eyes, her sweet voice. He lavished kisses on all of her, from her fingertips to her toes, reveling in the erotcism of her body as it squirmed underneath his ministrations.

She clutched the sheets of his bed in her hands, her hips bucking as his hands caressed her there.

He kissed each of her breast, giving each as much attention as the other. He played with her body until she could take no more. Until she pushed his hands away, her body trembling with the force of her ecstasy. And he watched her as she came down from her euphoria, her fingers shaking as she covered her mouth to mask her screams, still modest even in her pleasure.

He reached for her then, running his large hands down her overheated skin, loving the feel of her beneath him. He kissed her hip, her stomach, her shoulder before falling on her lips once more. Kissing her hungrily, desperately. He moved between her legs, positioning himself at the center of her before taking her, delighting in her welcome.

He reveled in her heat, hugging her close as he nipped at her skin, making her shiver. He called her name in the heat of the moment, over and over again. The titillating sound of his deep, commanding voice calling her name with such need did her in. Her legs locked around him. Her hands that clutched the sheets encompassed the wide span of his shoulders now, her nails digging into strong, muscled skin.

He danced within her, a sensual slow grinding that finally exploded inside her. Her arms around his shoulders moved to his neck, her head tilted back, her hair surrounding her as she screamed his name with gratified conviction. "Fumnaya!"

The sound of his name leaving her saccharine lips, made him groan. His grinding became more pointed, more forceful as he held her hips in his hands, his face buried in her hair as he took his pleasure, his release building, gowing.

Tears sprang to her eyes, her trembling turned to convulsing as he finally reached his peak, tensing, his hold on her tightening. Her name whispered on his lips as he came down from his bodily high, his hands sliding up and down her shaking frame.

And then he kissed her cheeks, her chin, her temple and her forehead, as he did every morning after their wanton rolling in his bed, their bed.

Summer was long gone, and left behind was cool autumn breezes and a low hanging sun, lieing quietly, contentedly behind a row of clouds.

Ife stared at the dwindling day, a habit that she often times did when she had time to herself. Sky watching was a hobby that she coined from her sister when they were children. She tilted her head, enjoying the slight warmth of the suns rays. The queen had relieved her of company and Fumnaya was busy hunting with the rest of the men. Meat was being dried. Rice was being collected, beans harvested, blankets and heavier clothing being made from animal hide.

Winter was being prepared for, for autumn never did seem to last very long in comparison. Ife wondered how her sister was, how her grandmother was. But knowing deep down that they were fine because she was sure that if they weren't, she would know. She would feel it.

Her mind drifted toward Fumnaya next, staying on him. She had, like in many of her dreams, fallen prey to him. She had allowed herself to be eaten and often times, reveled in the devouring. She could no longer deny it. She had once judged him for such fierce passion, such unparalleled bodily satisfaction and now she begged him for his touch. Screamed his name with such ease. Accepted his affection with no complaint.

She should not be surprised, it was bound to happen, as it should. Her destiny had been diverged along side his long before she dreamed of him. Long before his sad blues became filled with a growing completeness that she had noticed more than once over the passing weeks.

But still, despite the quiet peace that was now in him, occassionally she still glimpsed such intense emotion in him. Harrowing feelings that his bodily facade couldn not hide. She cared for him, had grown to see him as someone special, someone who made her feel like no one had ever made her feel before. He made her chest ache in the best of ways and her toes curl in utter euphoria. The brightness in his eyes now was pleasantly warm, his voice satisfying to her ears, his touch welcomed and silently needed.

The wind whipped past her shoulder, brushing at her afro, playing in it's tendrils. A sense of unease wrapped around her, clenched her body so tight she gasped. Suddenly Fumnaya came to mind, his blue eyes filled with despair.

She could not shake off the feeling and after a while she stopped trying. 

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