Jiper (part 2)

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My life used to be a fun and happy song. It just turned into a sad, heartbreaking tune a few days ago in the blink of an eye.

🎶You said it in a simple way 4 a.m. The second day how strange that i dont know you at all🎶

I was in the car reminiscing while listening to this song that came on. It happened to explain my situation quite accurately, though some things were off.

It all happened so suddenly. I mean, one minute i had Jason within my reach and then he was gone. Far away.

It started when he said he had to leave.


"I have to leave."

My thoughts were beginning to topple upon one another. All of a sudden hes leaving? To where? For what? Why? Doesnt he know he'll leave me dying inside? Why now?

Sure, it could be easy to tell someone that youre leaving. Little do they know that your world slowly, yet quickly, falls and dies altogether. Then its not so easy.

"Piper are you okay?"

I mustve drifted out into my thoughts for too long.

"I-I-what? Why?"

My mind is a jungle gym and i can barely talk. How could i tell him now? hes leaving. how can i do this alone?

"I said i have to leave. Leave as in go back to work for a while."

See, Jason was a plane pilot. Well, he used to be. He had this friend he made in college. His friend, Kevin, took his place a while ago because Jason got tired of flying everywhere all the time. So whenever this Kevin guy couldnt fly passengers somewhere for various reasons, Jason often took his place if he had no one else to turn too.

Jason also stopped his job because he figured out the long distance relationship part wasnt working. Especially when he had to stay somewhere overnight just to fly a plane somewhere else the next morning. He kept goin back and forth to random places around the world. Go here. Now there. Then over there. It was a long lasting continuous cycle.

"So youre just going back? How long?" I asked him trying to keep my voice calm.

He said he'd never leave again. That was his promise. My recurring nightmare. My fear.

"Well Kevin got fired and they need me back for 3 months."

What? Three frickin months? That leaves me pregnant and alone. The worst part was that he didnt know yet. Yet.

Three months.


Three months.


Three months.


The words wouldnt go away. I was shocked. Why me?

"When do you have to go back?" I asked struggling to get the words out.

"In 2 days."


Then came the long goodbye.

🎶Stumbled through the long goodbye, one last kiss then catch your flight. Right when i was just about to fall🎶

It happened exactly like that.


We were in the airport. Jason ready to leave. Me ready to be alone, slowly dying.

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