Chapter Sixteen

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"Nice....uh...nice to meet all of you." You whisper, you hand grabbing Jensen's almost immediately.

"Mommy. Who's that?" JJ questions, missing the looks of surprise that came from not only you and Jensen but your 'family' who had been seating themselves across from the three of you at the table.

You look to Jensen, hoping he would offer any help but the man only stared back at you with a blank expression. You sigh and turn your attention back to the little girl in your lap.

"Well, bug. They're uh, they're friends that your daddy and I are meeting." You whisper while running your fingers through the little girls blonde hair.

"Why?" She questions.

"I don't know. It's daddy's fault." You reply while turning to him with an obviously fake smile.

"It is not my fault!!" Jensen whines.

"Who made me get out of the house this morning." You quip.

"It's my fault." Jensen mutters. "Buying ice cream and it's my fault."

"And don't you forget it." You giggle while kissing his cheek before turning back to the men that waited patiently for all of you.

"Well," Quinton begins while crossing his arms. "I have shared the information that you provided me with on that first day, so they're all caught up."

"Good." You mumble with a nod.

"And, speaking for all three of them, they thought it would be a......great idea if you were to fly with them to New York for the filming of the latest Avengers movie, Jensen and JJ are allowed to come too if that's a problem." Quinton smiles as you look over to Jensen, who shrugs with a small smile.

"I mean, we're off and longer than before because of Jared and Gen's baby." He replies. "So I don't see why not....unless you want to do something....else?"

"No. No. I'm okay with it."


"They didn't even talk," Jensen grumbled as you and JJ step into the house, he following and closing the door behind. JJ had fallen asleep on your shoulder, dry ice cream dribbled down her chin.

"Maybe they were just nervous." You offer, it obvious that even you hadn't believed that.

"You know, they're supposed to have an interview there too. While we're there." Jensen scoffs. "Is this supposed to be a damn publicity stunt?!"

"J, calm down." You sigh as JJ groaned in her sleep, due to all the chatter that was going around.

"Why? They're just using you!" Jensen fumes.

"You don't know that Jensen! They could've been nervous or didn't know what to say!" You argue.

"Or they could've-"

"You know what Jensen? Try and just be happy with them actually showing up huh? They're all movie stars and they didn't need me, to begin with, when you can be happy. Please, come find me so we can talk about this without yelling." You cut him off before turning on your heel, quickly walking up the stairs to go and put JJ to bed.

Jensen sighs while running a hand through his hair as he hears you closing JJ's door, a slight slam but not loud enough to wake the sleeping girl that was in your arms; at least he hoped. Jensen sighs for the second time before walking up the stairs after you and his daughter, only to stop at the door (which he had opened a crack) when your conversation had become loud enough for him to hear.


When you had gotten JJ tucked into bed, after changing her into one of her favorite pairs of pajamas, you kissed her forehead and turned around to walk towards the door. Only to be stopped by her small voice, which sounded to be on the verge of tears.

"Mommy, do you hate daddy?" She whispers, stopping you in your tracks. You put on a small smile for the girl before turning around, sitting down on the edge of her bed as you rubbed her forehead soothingly.

"Of course not, daddy is just....not acting smart right now." You reply, your smile growing at the little girl's giggle.

"He does that a lot." JJ giggles.

"I know." You nod with a small laugh. 

"Do you love him?" She innocently questions, you bite your lip as your mind goes into a list of questions.

"Can you keep a secret?" You demand, recieving a vigorus nod from the little girl. "Yeah, I love him." 

"Are you going to be my new mommy?" JJ questions. "Because I love you." 

"I love you too." You smile while kissing her forehead, making sure to avoid the question she had asked. "Now time to sleep Bug." 

"I love you." She repeats.

"I love you too, sleep well." You wave before turning around, quickly walking out the door before she could question you further. You close the door while letting out a breath, after a few seconds you turn around; only to bump into a rock hard chest.

The person smelling like whiskey and some kind of colonge, a colonge that you had grown to love. The person sighs as you slowly look up into his apple-green eyes, swallowing the nervous lump in your throat.

"I'm sorry." Jensen mutters while looking down at you, his hands going to your waist to make sure that you wouldn't run. "It's just...I don't know how to reply or what to do about this." 

"How do you think I feel, I think we're both just getting too stressed." You sigh. "And I don't know what to do about it."

"How about a vacation?" Jensen offers. "Before we go with your family to New York."

"A vacation in a vacation?" You chuckle. "What about JJ?"

"I'll talk to Daneel." Jensen smiles.

"I think it'll be fun." You smile.



So I need your opinions

Vacation Up North or Down South

Beach? Skiing? Nashville or something?

I want your votes please!

-Author Out

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