The Library (2)

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Poison Ink

Chapter 2 - The Library

My foot contacts the ground beneath me, and I realize that I'm still outside and need to find a way in. I look to my left, and then to my right. Yes! I gasp in adrenaline and excitement as I see a window open that is the perfect size for me to fit in. How convenient, I think to myself... almost too convenient. I brush off the silly thought, it’s just a window. I quickly run towards the window stepping onto its edge, I prop my body in through the window. Mission Accomplished, I think to myself.

I'm pulling out my camera when I hear something; I turn my head around trying to locate the sound. I hear it again, this time I can detect what it is, it’s loud thumping footsteps. I look around me trying to find a quick exit. I notice a little door near a staircase. It is about 10 meters away from me. I take a few quick leaps across the room to it; I see that it’s locked. Darn it I think to myself. How am I going to get out of this one? I lean against the door trying to hide myself I can see Mr. Linden’s shadowy figure. I lean my elbow against the wall. Suddenly I hear a click, I'm moving. In confusion I let out a quiet yelp. I quickly put my hands over my mouth trying to muffle the sound that had already escaped my mouth.

I squeeze my eyes closed expecting the worst, nothing happens. I open my eyes to see that somehow I am now in a library. I laugh and exclaim in joy. I see books and books and books. Johnny will have to believe me now. I take a few quick pictures with my disposable camera Johnny bought me just for this occasion. I decide to take a book as well, the scariest looking book I can find!

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