Do Not Open (3)

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Poison Ink

Chapter 3 - Do Not Open

I see a book labeled scary stories in the corner. I flip through it, nothing special. Just the same popular scary stories you always hear at campfires. I put it down; I find a small thin book almost hiding under a stack of books. I grab it and take a look, I start coughing very loudly, its extremely dusty for a book its size. I see a small note taped to the front of it. The paper yellowed and the writing almost unreadable.

It says “Do Not Open.” Its probably no big deal, I debate with myself over whether or not I should open it. Brushing off all superstitious thoughts I decide to just open it. On the first page is a warning. “You have been warned, if you read this book you will face penalties worse then death.” I laugh to myself and turn the page; it has a poem on it.

The poem is called “To Kill or Be Killed,” it reads; (The person who reads this book, should soon start to look, for signs of their impending doom, most of them starting soon, all because of you a curse will be released, and on you and all you know it will feast, if you’d like to save yourself then pass along this poem, to a innocent and unsuspecting person, do not think to be wise, or else you will soon face your demise, you must do all these steps by noon, tomorrow or soon, you shall face your death, do this if you wish!)

I am speechless. It’s probably a joke, my logical inner-voice whispers.

Or it isn't, hisses the dark voices that have recently manifested in my head.

I denounce the voices, that could never happen, I assured myself whilst laughing uncertainly

The book is filled with various poems much like this. I don’t look at any more poems. I turn the book to the side and see that the spine says “Poison Ink,” appropriate name.

I hear a loud banging; the whole room seems to be shaking. Its Mr. Linden, he must have found out someone was in the house! I look around me I have a minute, tops to get out of here. I see a small window to my left, I grab my camera and a book, and I use the book to smash through the window.

I cover my eyes as glass rains down, I hear Mr. Linden yelling “STOP!”

Ignoring him I pull myself through the window and run as fast as I can back home.

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