The three of us stood in the middle of a forest clearing. Sam had set some cans and bottles on low hanging tree branches while Dean told me how to hold and shoot the small handgun. This looked like the same model as the BB gun I had back home so as he was finishing up his speech on how to aim properly I smirked a little, aimed at one of the bottles and shattered it on the first try. I turned back to Dean and smiled innocently, "like that?" He shook his head and chuckled, "yeah like that but-" "Dean I think she's got it." Sam interrupted and smiled at me, "good job short stack" he laughed. I may be older but I hadn't grown much taller, I was about 5"4 with boots on. I stuck my tongue out at him, "thanks moose." I turned my attention back to another bottle in the tree, aimed and shattered that one as well. After I had hit a few more I turned back to the guys, Dean smiled at me and I stood proudly. "Can I try a shotgun now?" Sam went to the duffel bag and pulled out a shotgun. As he reached over to hand it to me but Dean snatched it out of his hand and launched into another lecture on technique. I half listened, half thought about how less than 24 hours ago I was at my house, living my boring life and now I'm here traveling and hunting with these amazing guys.
I must have zoned out, smiling because Dean was looking at me and the corner of his mouth twitched up, "enjoying the view?" He smirked, I rolled my eyes and grabbed the gun. "Sure am," I winked as I aimed at a can and shot. I was surprised by how much kick it had but I didn't fall I just jerked back a bit. I snapped my head back at the guys when I heard someone laughing, it was Sam. "Too much kick for you?" He teased, "watch it Winchester! I'm the one with the firearm!" I laughed. I felt so at home with them already. I don't think I want to leave, all my family members and good friends are here as well so I have everyone I love and gained more. I aimed again and this time I held my ground and hit the can. I smiled proudly and looked back at them. I saw them whispering something to each other then Dean walked my way and kissed my cheek. "You're doing great," he walked to the trees and put more bottles and cans up. "Keep shooting, with both guns, then maybe you can come with us tonight."
After another hour and a half of me shooting can after can and bottle after bottle Dean finally agreed to let me go with them. At least he was going to before he remembered that there was one thing I didn't learn yet, stabbing. So there was another hour of knife training before Sam and I convinced him that I was ready. "Yay!" I exclaimed as I hugged him, "now lets go get food I'm starving." I said as I picked up the shot gun and handgun before putting them in the duffel and picking that up. Dean grabbed that out of my hand and lacing his fingers with mine. I smiled up at him and ran to the car when we got close, taking shotgun just before Sam got there. I smiled in triumph then I felt my feet lift off the ground as he picked me up and set me down behind him before trying to climb into the car. I grabbed his arm, ducked under him, and slid into the seat. Dean laughed at us and Sam pouted and sat in the back seat mumbling something about how it's not fair.
We drove to a diner a few miles away and got a booth. "So you said this," Sam began, gesturing at everything, "is a TV show?" I nodded and set down the menu, "yeah, Supernatural, it's my favorite." I smiled shyly as Dean rested an arm around my shoulders and smirked, "I was your favorite right?" I shrugged, "nah Cas is." I teased and he pouted as he looked at the menu while Sam and I tried to hide our laughter. "Aw Dean babe you know I'm just kidding!" I said as I kissed his cheek. He smiled and the waitress came and took our orders while I answered their questions about the show. We talked about music, books and movies as well over dinner and afterwards Dean and I got pie. When we finished eating we all threw on our jackets and I threw my hair in a bun. Sam drove to the forest and Dean and I sat in the back reviewing all the fighting and shooting tips he taught me earlier. As we pulled off the road at the edge of the forest and he still hadn't stopped talking I grabbed the sides of his face and kissed him, "Dean. I'll be fine, really. I'll never leave your side, okay? I'll look out for you and I know you'll look out for me." I stated and he sighed before agreeing and climbing out of the car. I joined him and Sam at the trunk to grab weapons. Sam handed me the handgun I used earlier, "it's loaded with silver bullets" he told me before pouring more bullets into my hand. I stuffed them into my jacket pocket, the gun in my jeans and slid a silver knife into my boot. "Ok I'm ready," I smiled nervously. Sam closed the trunk and Dean grabbed my hand, "stay by me." He demanded sternly, but I could see the worry on his face. I gently squeezed his hand and started walking into the forest.
It took us about forty-five minutes to find the cabin. Sam put his hand on my shoulder as he stepped ahead of Dean and me to open the door. We all got our guns ready before stepping inside, I hesitated for a moment. "Oh god, this is happening I'm going to die." I thought, "no. Dean is going to protect me." I walked inside, still at Dean's side. Sam went one way while we went the other, Dean and Sam each had a flashlight. In one of the rooms that Dean and I went in, I saw movement in a dark corner. I put my hand on Dean's arm, gesturing to the corner. I aimed my gun as the figure stirred and the flashlight gleaned off animalistic amber eyes. A deep growl emitted from it's throat as it lunged at us. I shot two rounds into it's chest and it dropped before it reached us. As the body fell I realized it was a girl who looked about 20. I started shaking and took a few steps back, colliding with the wall and slowly sliding down it, never taking my eyes off the girl. Sam ran in and turned to me, crouching down in front of me. I saw his mouth move but I heard nothing but a faint ringing in my ears. He shook me slightly and I snapped out of it, hugging him tightly and burying my head in his chest for a minute before I shakily stood up. "Can one of you clean up and the other walk me outside, please I don't want to-" I broke off as Dean wrapped his arm around me and led me outside. Once we were on the porch I realized that there were tears running down my cheeks. Dean sat down and pulled me down into his lap, slowly rubbing circles on my back while I cried into his shoulder. "Dean I just- I killed someone." I stuttered as my cries subsided, "how could I- I never thought I would ever kill anyone." I wiped viciously at my face, "you didn't do anything wrong baby. She would have killed us if you hadn't stopped her. You saved us both," he comforted.
I heard Sam walk up before he said anything, "Dean, can you help me bury the-" "Yeah no problem," Dean interrupted him before he finished. He kissed me quickly, lifted me off his lap, and set me down next to him. "You don't have to come we'll be done soon." He said softly, walking down the steps and around the house with Sam. I took my phone out of my pocket and called one of my other best friends Sabrina before I opened my music app. After quite a few songs the boys returned, dirty and sweaty, "alright let's get going." Sam sighed, wiping his hands on his jeans before we all started walking towards the car.
It didn't take us as long to get to the car as it did to get to the cabin and soon we were on our way back to the hideout. Once we were back we all walked into the main room with the long table to relax and talk before going to bed. Dean got in the shower, leaving Sam and I sitting across from each other, "ya know." I started, "earlier, when I said Dean was my favorite, you know I don't mean that I don't like you or anything." I took a sip of my beer, which honestly tasted pretty nasty, "you just remind me so much of my brother, I really like both of you, just in different ways." Sam smiled at me, "I know, you don't remember the past few months with us but I think of you as a little sister more, Dean doesn't. He really likes you," he took a swig of his own beer, "I think you're good for him." He set his bottle down, "I'm gonna head to my room, night Sian." He hugged me as he walked to the door, "goodnight Sam." I smiled as he left and Dean came out of the bathroom in a dark shirt and sweatpants, his hair still wet. I walked into the bathroom once he was on the bed, shut the door and admired myself again in the mirror, my eyes bright against my tan skin, my face framed by my dark hair. I took a quick shower and changed into gray pajama shorts and a white tank top. I blow dried my hair then climbed into bed with Dean, turning the bedside lamp off as I laid down.
Dean pulled me close and his hand cupped my face gently, "I'm sorry about earlier you shouldn't have come. I didn't want to upset you so much, I know you aren't used to this yet" he apologized. "I'm fine, really. I wanted to go its not your fault" I soothed, he pressed his forehead against mine and exhaled deeply "if Cas finds a way to get you back home, will you go?" He whispered, and I remembered what Sam said, he said I was good for Dean, just from watching the show I saw he was having a rough time. I know how it made Sam feel. "No I don't think I will. I want to stay here, with you." I pressed myself closer to him and our lips met. Here, in this world, is where I got my first kiss. I just realized, my first kiss was with Dean Winchester. I thought about my life back home, the only one I knew before today. The stress of the classes, finals, projects, fights with my dad over my future. I didn't have any of that here, I can't leave. We broke apart and I rested my head on his chest, "goodnight Dean." I yawned, he kissed my cheek, "goodnight Sianna."

The Life of a Hunter (Supernatural)
Teen FictionSianna leaves her boring world and is sucked into the Supernatural universe. She hunts with the Winchesters and is dating her dream guy, what could go wrong? (This is my first time really writing a story so it might suck? I don't know… Also I do not...