Chapter 1 - Some Apples are Eaten Others Become Rotten

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Harry's POV

Walking away from the funeral was surprisingly harder than it was going to it. It felt like this made it truly final, that this made them truly dead. I was going to miss Hermione reminding me to do my homework. I was going to miss George pulling pranks every day with Fred. It should make me feel better that I was not the only one going to miss them but instead it made me feel much worse. Again the guilt washed over me. I don't know why I decided to listen to Dumbledore this time out of all the other times. I still should have gone to Voldemort. Then Hermione and George would still be alive and happy. The worst part was that Ron and Angelina (George's girlfriend) wouldn't speak to me. I guessed they had a right to ignore me, though. Everyone (except Ron and Angelina) said that I did the right thing and that I shouldn't feel guilty. What drove me nuts was that everyone said that it wasn't my fault. Of course, it was my fault! I may not have been the one to pull the trigger but it was my decision that caused the trigger to be pulled. So yes, Ron and Angelina had every right to be mad at me. I would probably have been mad too if it had been Ginny or anything.

"Harry! Wait up!" Ginny yelled. I couldn't help smile. We had started dating during this which of course made me be scared for her safety but mostly made me happy.

"Harry you know it isn't your fault right?' she reminded me once again.

"Yea, I guess" I replied letting her win since I didn't want to fight with her (as I usually did whenever she said that). She seemed happy that I accepted it and we began to walk towards the car that would take us back to the burrow. I was slightly surprised to see Ron snogging Angelina up against it. I guess I should not have been so surprised since they had been spending a lot of time together lately. That was when I heard Ginny make a sound of total disgust.

"What is it?" I asked her curiously.

"I wish my brother just wouldn't snog her, " she said still disgusted.

"Why? George was dating her." I cringed internally at his name feeling yet again the guilt wash over me.

"That's probably one of the reasons I don't like it. I never did like her before either, though. She just seems so rotten. Like an apple is pretty on the outside and then you bite into it and it is all black and gross inside. It is just disgusting and kind of annoying." Ginny explained.

"Thanks for the graphic details" I teased.

"Sorry...sorta" she laughed.

Ron's POV

I broke my lips away from Angel (Angelina) so that we could both catch our breath. I looked up only to see Harry Potter talking and laughing with my sister. His name sent waves off anger roll through me. How self-righteous was this fool? Did he need someone else to be killed so he could get more attention? It was his fault entirely that Hermione and George were killed. He didn't even move a finger when Voldemort said that if he didn't come he would kill them. All he had to do was to at least try to save them but no he had to let other get hurt at his expense. Master Voldemort was right Harry was ignorant and selfish. He truly did need to be punished for the pain and suffering him alone had caused. I looked down to see Angel contently playing with the locket around the neck that Master Voldemort had given me. I smiled at her and we continued where we had left off.

Hey, Lilies! I sincerely hoped you enjoy! Feel free to voice complaints or suggestions. I love all comments (except the stupid ones). I am thinking I will upload every Monday for this story since I am also currently writing another one for Fairytail. Cya next time Lilies!


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