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Author's Note (at least read the first paragraph please)

I tried to explain what happened in the last chapter but I worry some of you are still confused. So I decided to sum things up a bit. If you are confused I suggest you read this. If you are not confused in the slightest then you may, by all means, move on to the net chapter. This will contain some much-needed backstory as well though so you have been warned (ex. What happened to all the magic?).

If you're still reading this I assumed you stayed. I will have common questions I think you have and write my answer. This is so you can skip through the stuff you know and go straight to the ones you don't. If you have any other questions put them in the comments and they will get answered. Be warned some questions (ex. How did George and Hermione die?) will be answered as the plot unfolds. Thanks for your time and here are the questions.

Why did Moldy Voldey think it was a good plan to possess Harry?

Voldey thought this was a good idea because he thought if he couldn't kill Harry from the outside because of Lily's protection he might as well kill (by kill mean more like destroy Harry and Voldemort would still be able to use Harry's body sense he would be the only soul inhabiting it) him from inside. He wouldn't be able to be harmed because it would only end up hurting Harry. In the end, he would also gain Harry's body. Also, remember that Voldey thinks he is undefeatable and that Harry is only a slight annoyance. Voldey thinks this will be very easy to destroy Harry's soul from inside him and then use his body. So, in the end, Voldey thought this was a good plan because he would be able to solve two very big problems: getting rid of Harry Potter and having a suitable body.

P.S. He would also now have Lily's protection as an added bonus.

What happened at the end of the last chapter?

Simple the universe just restarted and edited itself.

How can a universe just restart and edit itself again?

How do you know what the universe can or cannot do is the first thing I got to say. The second thing is you really are trying to make sense of a fanfiction based off a fictional book about magic?

Why did the universe restart and edit itself?

*Spoiler alert ahead for those who have not read all seven books!*

This is a very good question and this was one of the main things I thought about when I decided to write the book! We all know that Harry has a fragment of Oldey Voldey's soul inside of him. This makes both of their souls very closely connected. Hence the reason they probably have wands that have the same phoenix feather cores. These two souls had already been as close as souls could be so when they shared a body the universe couldn't let it continue. At the same time, Lily's blood was what protected Harry from Voldemort. Now Voldemort's soul was inside so the spell couldn't do anything. How could it protect Harry, when inside Harry was the thing it had always protected him from. Remember in the first movie when Harry touched Quirrell and he started to disintegrate. Well that was what the spell started to do to the universe. This caused a huge tear which the only way to fix it was to restart. Magic by itself was constantly tearing small holes in the universe when it broke basic laws like gravity. So with the small tears and the now huge one, the universe fixed itself and made sure to get rid of magic as well to make sure those tears never happened again.

Why do you sometimes call Voldemort Voldey?

Mainly because whenever I read the books I always find him to be so full of himself and cocky. Whenever I meet people like that I always want to annoy them. I figure this would definitely annoy him. ;)

That is the end of the questions I figured that people would have. Sorry I didn't upload I was on a cruise and they paid a lot for internet (I warned you). Also, I am writing the next chapter as you read this if it already hasn't been uploaded. If you have any more questions feel free to comment or message me. Cya my Lilies!

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