Chapter 8 Dace.

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There is more cursing in this chapter because of a new character being introduced.

"Of course you know me! Stop acting weird!" I Exclaimed

"I'm Not-" He Stops and analyzes me for a a second. "You got me confused with someone else."

"What the hell is up your accent, It's british. Your not british..." He chuckles for a while, "Seems like my brother has found himself a keeper." I stare at him. My eyes giving him the 'Your fucking crazy' look. "Brother?" I asked

"He didn't Tell you about me? so cliche, of him. I'm Dace." He poses for a handshake. Still in shock i stand There making no movement. "T-Twins...?" I stuttered . My Head Shattered with thoughts. "You look so much alike...."

"I believe that is the meaning of twins"

"Can i touch your face?" He stopped and stared at me.

"Fuck. Thats really weird..."

"I'm Sorry It's new to me" I back away from him growing red with embarresment.

"What you haven't seen twins before?" 

"Oh no i've seen twins just not fallen angel twins" After Seconds of realising what i said I stop, covering my mouth with my hand. His eyes Grew wider, he moved in closer to me."What did you just say, love? I Backed away again, taking a bigger step this time. With my stupidity I had said something i wasn't supposed to. "Nothing, I said nothing" I lied. He took me by the arm and hauled me around to Dorm C. His steps was twice as long as mine , and I found myself jogging to keep up.All the while I was mentally shaking myself , ordering my ingenuity to think up an excuse for when he figuered out i was lying. I didnt know how he'd react , but I had a general idea , and it made my stomach flip upside down.He Gently forced me over to daniel's room and placed me in the middle, of the huge mat I wiggled my arm free. The room brought back memories, because nothing had changed it was blue, colour of the sky with posters on the wall, and bad bedding. I looked at Dace. "Why did you bring me here?"

"We have some talking to do, Wouldn't you agree?" He said in a gravelling tone. He crossed his arms and moved in closer to me, making me extremely uncomfotable his tall built figure overshadowing me.


He sighed,and backed away."How do you know about fallen angels?

"I read about them..."

"You expect me to belive that?..." He awaited for me to say my name."liah" I mutterd

"Pretty name, goes with a pretty face...What wouldn't be so pretty was if this face-" He Grabbed My Chin, "Suddenly didn't look so pretty anymore"

"Are You threatning me?"

"God No, I would never threaten a lady,this is simply a warning, So tell me,  Everything you know."

"I Don't have to tell you anything" He walks over to the door locking it close.

"Now where were we?"

"Fine.Dany told me about  fallen angels. Happy?"

"My brother is actually a right bloody dickhead"

"I Wanted to know, I had the right too."I declared

"Oh because of your dad..." He sighs deeply. Placing hand on his forehead.Turns out the Jay family always end up getting what they want, they are extremely good at persuading people.

Dace,Daniel? Twins? I did not see this comming,I told you this situation is slapping me in the face, and not a quick slap a slow torturing slap, that i causes mental damage to my brain. He stopped and starred at me for a couple of seconds like he didnt know what to do with me.

"I'm going to erase your memory.." I look at him. "What!? "

"Only the stuff about the fallen angels."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Isn't it torturing you?"

"Yes but-"he pressed his fingers to my lips." It wont hurt." His voice was gentle ,flirtatious even,but his eyes were icy pits.He grabed my head looking deep into my eyes his thumb ring digging into my head. I fight back attempting to pull his hands away from my head. but he was holding on so tight. I could feel my arms going numb. I lifted my leg and I kicked him, in a place that would well..Hurt the male kind. He bent down, weaping in pain. I Stare at him. "You stupid bitch! Get over here, NOW!" he shouted,Placing one of his hands on his balls cupping it to stop the pain.I slowly back away "If you leave, you will regret it liah." I turn around and I break into a sprint running as fast as I can. I go outside, tripping up on a stone I pick myself up again and I continue to run.I constanty kept looking back, for a sign  of dace. I twist the door knob to my dorm. I gasped as if comming from a lengthy and punishing stay under water.At the same time, my eyes flew open.Dace sat in my bed, talking to chealsea and kris. They all stared at me. "Liah you never introduced us to your boyfriend before." chealsea exclaimes."He is so Hot" Kris mouths, pointing at dace.I stare at dace in disgrace. "Well I guess liah, has always been a bit shy."

"Shy?"I repeat."Your a fucking psycho, you need help"

Dace, looked at the girls, he looked down pretending to be upset, my innerself just wanted to punch him, the way he was scared me, but daniel never scared me and yet they are identical.Maybe it was his dark eyes or his formed angry figuere towards me."Is this about, you cheating on me." he said

"what are you talking about."

He had and evil grin in his face on a side of his cheek a dimpled was on show. He  showed fake sympathy towards me."we are gonna give you guys a second, we'll be at the cafe."

"No, wait i'm going with you. "

"No you should stay lee, i think you guys need to talk"

I started to whirl away, but dace hooked my arm and brought me around to face him.he pressed his hands against mine.I attempted to pull away , but he laced his fingers through mine , effectively traping me agaisnt him. I didnt wanna scream, or do anything that will bring attention so i stayed in positions. Kris and chealsea left. i wiggled my arm free."Wow i am really good, wouldnt you agree?"

"I would agree that your an asshole" i said crossing my arms.He nodds.

"yep, keeps me awake at night."

"oh really" i imply "Dace,if you try to touch me again-"

"You'll what?" he inturrepts moving closer to me." Dont worry, my brothers stupid decisions are his decisions,i wont erase your memory."

"I dont believe you."

"What you want me pinky promise, cross my heart, look liah i really dont give a crap if you trust me or not i'm doing this because i'm getting something in return."

"what a you talking about."

"Daniel isn't your guardian angel anymore, his dead"

My heart gradually stopped, My eyes struck opened in shop i could feel my hear beating so fast, that it seemed visible in my top, Attempted to talk but if like my heart was stuck in my throught, i stood thee in shock, dace watched me.My mouth went dry my legs seemed to be made out of straw."I'm sorry?" i sobbed desperately,"How did he die?" Dace turn around, unable to answer my questions.

"How did he die dace?!"

"Your dad..."

"My dad What?!"

"Lets just say your dad was mad at daniel, for telling you everything..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2014 ⏰

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