My eyes shut to the sudden shock of sunlight glimmering down on my face. I look up. The bright sun blinds my site, giving me illusions every time I blink. I walk to reception snatching the board with numerous of clipped paper roughly put together. I Quickly sign my name. a loud cough is shattered in my ear. I look up maintaining my fingers stuck to the pen. I question the reception woman with my face expression."Liah is that right?" She asked. I nod. Rearranging my hole figure towards her. "Yes. that’s me, Is something wrong?" I swing out my arms, resting them on the office counter. The office lady looks down at a piece of paper following the writing with her fingers. "We called your mom when you didn't come back yesterday. She confirmed with us the you would be staying on campus for the weekend. She wants you to call her." The woman replied politely. I was doomed. What was I going to tell my mom.'Hey mom, its liah don't worry about me, I only slept over Daniel's house.' Oh no way in hell. She would freak and probably send me to some cheap college near our hometown. She was okay with me dating guys, but sleeping over? There was no way she could even suspect that I knew about fallen angels. She would kill Daniel. "Okay I will. Thanks..." I duck down, squinting my eyes to get a glimpse of her name tag." Martha" She nodded. "Oh before you leave." She drags out a small card. Handing it to me. It was a therapy card. Reading 'You’re not alone.' Why would Martha give me this. "Your mom payed for a two month Session of social therapy." I look down at it. First off all I don't need therapy. Second, I don't have time for therapy. And third I don't NEED therapy. What game is my mom playing?! " Um..Okay. Thanks"
I make my way to my room. The door was wide open and there was a Two very tall and muscly men wearing a green jumpsuits. They were clearing out Christine’s side of the room. And a very unstable woman sitting on the bed. Her tears dribbling down to her plain shirt. her face seemed dragged and let down, her tears glimmering on the side of her eyes. I slowly walk up to her standing a comfortable space away from. She wipes her tears away, but her eyes constantly creating more. She looked at me."Are you Christine’s roommate?" She asked. Taking Long breathing pauses."Yes I am. What’s going on?" I Asked my face in deep interest. she squinted her eyes, wiping her tears away one final time." Christine has disappeared. for A week now, they say she's dead" I back away from her, only to create more tears in her eyes. She sobbed desperately. I attempt to say something but only the words were stuck on the back of my throat. She stares at me. "Disappeared, Dead? but, i saw her a while ago" in a sudden the woman’s figure turn more positive her eyes widen screaming with hope. " You saw her a while ago?! When what did she say to you did she say where she was going?" Her hole figure was positive towards me. She was practically begging for some good news. But I had none I hardly talked to Christine I had been alone and I've only thought about where she was a few times. It wasn’t really in my deepest interest. Her disappearance definitely changes my attitude towards her and her mother. could I give her mother the could news her face was filled with hope and it looked like she was trying so I hard to keep a stable smile. The truth is the truth ,and it has to be told."I actually only saw her once, which was on the day we first started, last week ". The woman stopped. Her faint smile freezing in a the same position. She drops on the bed in a sudden. Sitting down her arms were weak and her veins often showed. The woman did nothing. She calmly awaited for the men to leave and after them she also left no words said.
It had been 2 months in Georgetown. I could agree that I had progressed my understanding of my own messed up life. I had grown fierce and extremely more stable to my situation. I was comfortable. Not safe. I would never feel safe. I had attended my moms paid for therapy, I had also made friends with two awsome girls. kris and Chelsea. Two very true girls. wich i had only met for two months but I knew we would become instant friends. My life was actually becoming decent and progressed. I loved attending school, I have grown into this hole new thing which I think im actually fitting into. Daniel? Our so called relationship hadn't progressed. He hadnt called or attended school two months And the car I borrowed he took it back but I didn't see him he snuck into my room and took the keys, and he couldn't even say a simple hi. Its crazy. But, I was doing unexplainably well without his presence. Yes I missed him. But its wrong to tell a girl you loved her and not call her or give any sign of life for 2 months, And I just hope he doesn't come back to confuse me and change everything. im not a big fan of change.
The Fallen Ones
Romanceyoung 18 year old liah leaves everything behind when she has to go to college in george town but nothing seems right... she starts to fall hopelessly in love with a boy she has no connection with . slowly liah starts to break the pieces to uncover...