The villages realized very quickly that the boy's Trico wasn't going anywhere. They thought that once (if ever) it was better, it'll leave. That or eat the towns people, or destroy the town, or attack, or kidnap someone else.
Well, it's been about a month since Trico started walking around. Yet the Trico only followed the boy everywhere. Not once did Trico give the boy a chance to leave him. Although the boy didn't seem to want to leave.
They were inseparable from each other. Villagers would find them sitting, sleeping, playing, walking, and bathing together. The boy would even bring Trico into his chores or have him help around. The creature learned quickly how to lift heavy objects such as fallen trees.
The villagers were still on-edge about the beast, but the children didn't have a problem. When the children see Binjola with Trico, they'll run over and start playing with Trico.
Trico picked up a few new tricks from the villagers too. How to gather food to feed the people, pay attention when it's asked, look after others, and follow instuctions even if it wasn't Binjola that gave them.
"Hey Trico," Binjola looked up to his companion. Trico was staring at the children and women in the river. Upon hearing his name he shook and looked at the boy.
The boy forgot what he was going to say next. They ended up staring at each other before going back to what they were doing before.
Binjola remember when one of the children started to drawn in the river. One of the adults dived in and rescued him. Trico learned that but confused playing with drowning. Therefore he "saved" a lot of the other children the next time they had played.
That caused conflict. Adults yelled at the Trico, but the boy explained that he was only trying to save the children. Then the adults yelled at the children for rough housing to the point where the beast thought they were dying.
"Binjola," A women touched his shoulders. He looked up to her, "Can you lend me a hand?"
"Oh, ah, sure." No one has asked for his help since he got back. "With what?"
"You see," She pointed down the river. "My basket along with the clothes went down river."
"I see." He nodded looking down river to indeed seeing some clothes. Telling the women that he would get it Trico and him set off.
The walked down river and both Trico and him fetches the clothes and basket. Trico would paw at the clothes and bring it on shore while Binjola went into the river to collect those Trico didn't get.
After collecting it all they headed back.
"Here you go ma'am!" Binjola smiled while leaning against Trico's leg. Then he told his companion to drop the basket he was carrying.
"Oh thank you! Thank you!" The women said before patting Trico's chest and Binjola's head. She picked up the basket and got back to washing her clothes.
Binjola looked over at kids that were still splashing in the water. They were all around his age yet they seemed different from him. He was mature, non-child like than them. Yet he did go on that insane adventure. Some parts in there were really hard on him especially when all the Tricos attacked his.
Although he pushed all that aside. He was still a kid. No one told him to be an adult or act like on. He was a kid that was covered in marking, been aten by a Trico like three or four times, became friends with a Trico, survived not dying from all Tricos, fought off Tricos, saved the Tricos from that mind controlling thing, out smarted stone guards, survives not eating for days, been to a secret place that you can't get to on foot, took unbelievably scary risks, and is great at problem solving. Yeah... Just a normal, regular, old kid.
Binjola knew he was anything but normal in his group. He doesn't feel as though he fits with the kids nor the adult. He feels like the only on who understands him is Trico, who was the one that put him in that situation and travled with him. Although pushing those thoughts to the back of his head he smiled.
Why not? He was still a kid after all. Let's have fun.
Binjola ran off toward the others. He smiled and put himself in their conversation. They smiled and allowed him to join.
All the kids, including Binjola were jumping up and down creating some splashes and waves. They were all laughing, giggling, and smiling from ear to ear.
Suddenly a shadow flew over them. Binjola knew that shadow all to well and prepared himself for a Trico.
As the thought, Trico jumped and landed dead center of the river. He created a humongous splash that captivated all the kid's attention.
They all "woooaahhh"ed as one. The water that flew into the air rained down on them. Rainbows were created and everyone was smiling.
The kids started jumping again and so did Trico from time to time.
"Binjola! Trico is so fun to play with!"
"Thank you!"
Binjola smiled at them. They played until the women yelled for Trico to stop because they were losing their laundry.
Afterward Binjola and Trico stepped outside the river. Trico shook off the remaining water on him. The kids laughed as they got spread.
From some ways away the cheif was watching. He had finished his work load for the day (at that moment anyways) and wanted to see how the beast was doing. He saw it jumping with the kids laughing. He watched as the women yelled and Binjola walked out. Trico followed and then the other children.
He was surprisingly relaxed with having the beast being able to walking around. The only time that had scared him half to death was when Trico picked up the boy by this clothes and carried him else where.
Also surprisingly with Trico being able to walk around the work load got easier. Binjola had somehow trained the beast to work when instructed. It can even follow others orders but it needs an "ok" from the boy first.
He couldn't help but wonder... Where the future well take this village with this beast?
The Last Guardian
FanfictionThis, I believe, is how the game should have ended. Our Trico will be referred to as a he and the boy will be getting a name. *Spoilers*