Chapter 6 (The Devil Spawn?)

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I walked into the classroom. Half of the kids had food smeared across themselves, and it smelled like it too. The teacher was out of the room, so the food fight was the main topic for most of the students. I could hear questions like," Who started it?" And," Ew! Why did they have to serve fish today?" I looked around the room and couldn't find anyone I knew, so I just sat down at a random desk near the front that looked unoccupied. A couple of seconds later, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I looked back and saw a brown squirrel with a blue jacket on. "That's my seat," she said nicely.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," I said as I got up.

"It's fine. Are you new here?" She asked as she sat down.

"Yeah," I responded.

"Cool! My name is Sally," she smiled. Hold on, Sally?!? The Devil Spawn? Amy must not know what she was talking about! She seems so kind.

"My name is Cosmo," I said smiling. "I've heard about you before," I said.

"Really? Who told you about me?" She asked.

"Sonic," I responded. I didn't want to mention Amy since I knew they probably didn't get along.

"Wow! Sonic actually talks about me?" She seemed surprised.

"Yeah. You two are friends, right?"

"No. I just cheer during football games."

"Cool! I'm thinking about doing cheer, but I'm not sure I have the skills."

"Well, you could be the girl that just stands there and looks pretty. You'd do a good job at that."

"Aw thanks," I blushed. Why did Amy call her the devil? She's so sweet. 

"Anyway, I think I heard someone talk about you before," she said.

"Who?" I ask.

"Fiona," she responded. "Have you two met?"

"Um, yeah," I said.

"She was mean to you, wasn't she?"

"A little,"  I lied.

"She just does that for attention, don't worry," Sally said.

"That's an odd way of getting attention," I say.

"It is. That's why I don't do that," she smiled. Okay, really Amy?

"Find your seats, class! Sorry I'm late. There was a little commotion in the cafeteria," the teacher came in. "Who are you?" She asked me.

"Cosmo. She doesn't have a seat," Sally responded for me.

"There's an open one in the back," the teacher pointed to the back of the room. I picked up my backpack and went to the seat. All we did during class was a worksheet. It was super boring, but I managed to finish it and turn it in. When we were switching classes, Sally asked if she could walk with me. I agreed.

"I have someone that I want you to meet," she said as we were walking. People stared at us, their mouths gaped. We kept walking until we got to the gym. I'm guessing that we have P.E. together too. "Cosmo, this is Bunnie," Sally said.

"Nice to meet ya suga!" Bunnie said in a southern accent.

"Nice to meet you too," I replied.

"Cosmo!" I heard someone call from the other side of the gym. It sounded like Amy.

"Amy?" I said back as I saw her running toward us.

"Cosmo? Why are you hanging out with them?" Amy asked.

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