MiniCat- I still love you! [ PT. 2 ]

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Thank you guys for the support so far, we have 13 views which is small but hey you have to start somewhere.
(Little did past Gabbie know that this book would be having 8K Views and a whole community of fans and new friends)

Anyways thank you for voting and commenting here
Now let's go to Part 2



(This isn't the flashback anymore FYI)

...1 week later after the recording session

* ring * ring * ring *

As I was resting my head, I got a call from Tyler. Usually I like calling him but the thing is, we aren't connected together. We don't do videos together and we don't play together. Usually me and Tyler are the main topic of the crew but now, we separated... here's why

...4 days ago

I called the guys since I'm throwing a party at my place for the celebration of my birthday.

Call Conversation
Tyler- Hey Guys! Whatsupp!
Evan- Usually we don't call everybody in the crew, just some. Why did ou call everybody
Scotty- Same question
Tyler- Well, tomorrow is my birthday and I wanted to throw a party with all of my best friends. It will be here in Indiana and I hope you guys can come
Marcel- I'm always down with parties
Lui- Coming!
David- Same
Jonathan- Ok I'm coming, also as a birthday gift, I'm going to show you my face
Brock- I'm coming!
Brian- Tyler always makes the best parties
Tyler- Craig? Are you coming
Craig- Um, sure, yeah I'll go
Jonathan- This is cool! Everybody's coming
Tyler- Well, see you guys tomorrow! Bye!
Lui- Bye Tyler

I ended the call and I got ready for the guys to come

I bought a ticket going to America. I'll be leaving in 5 hours which maybe, just maybe I might go here earlier than the others

...5 hours later

I packed my bag and headed to the airport.
I sat in the comfy seat and waited for the pilot to fly the plane to Indiana

...6 hours later

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have landed to Indiana, enjoy your stay and we hope to see you again." The pilot spoke out loud as I saw the land getting closer and closer.

Finally I have landed, and got out of the plane.

...20 minutes later
I started headed to Tyler's place. It's far but I'm taking Uber so that would take 30 minutes to get to his house. Currently it's 8pm so maybe around 8:30pm.

..20 minutes later

While I listened to the music on my phone, I started to get a bit real. I've never had the time to actually be myself... to kinda recall what has really happened to me. I finally felt in peace and calm and relaxed, the sky was starting to get stunning. The beautiful moon was bright as hell as it's little stars started to sparkle into the sky.

I got so distracted that the Uber driver was already getting my attention that we have arrived. I paid the uber and rang the doorbell. Hoping that Tyler is home.... alone?

bbs oneshots // ships edition [COMPLETED] 🎉🏳️‍🌈Where stories live. Discover now