MiniCat- There is always a Rainbow After a Storm

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"Tyler, I'm gonna meet this guy at the park!" I was in the front door abut to leave the house

"Ok, have a fun day with him." He smiled at me

Me and Tyler had been roomates for 5 months already since we met online. We also have friends which we call the Banana Bus Crew and we record random sh*t together.

I told the crew I was bi and they respected that since they told me they were bi and gay also.

Tyler's sexuality was unknown because he wasn't in that session. I just assume he is straight

"Ok see ya!" I close the door and sign

You see I love Tyler... but he doesn't know that. I'm scared to ruin our friendship and I'm too shy since I assume he is straight. I sign everytime I do this, leaving the house to go to some guy because I want Tyler to feel jealous. I do want a man, and I feel Tyler is the one. But sometimes I tell myself that he isnt the right guy... I'm torn but I know someday I'll find him

I arrive at the park and sit on the bench, thinking of my youtube life with everyone. Happiness is the best am I right?

Then a guy sits next to me, it was the guy I found online

"Hey Craig." He taps my shoulder

"Oh! Hi" I look at him, us having eye contact. I got lost in that moment. His blue eyes were like the ocean, like the blue crystal waves. We were getting lost at each other. silence was comfy I must say

"Oh... Um my name is Ash. Um do you want to walk around?" He breaks the silence and stands up.

"Oh sure" I stand up as well

We walk around asking questions, getting to know each other. In fact he knew my youtube and he has been watching it since 2015. (year is 2017 btw in this story) He was a funny. Along the walk, he tells me jokes that were very ridiculous. I guess I can say he was perfect. Although I just met him today so I still have know him better IN MAH GARAGE!

It was getting late, it was about 8:09 in the evening. We were in a bar, Ash was drunk while I was just looking after him

"Hey Craigy~" He was touching me constantly.

"You want to have some fun?~" He was crawling and touching me. It was kind off uncomfortable.

My mind was torn once again.

Should I go for Ash... or Tyler?

wait it doesnt matter what my mind says!

I need to follow my heart

and my heart want Tyler

My Tyler

"I'm sorry Ash. I should be going!" I ran as fast as I can. I called an uber and it drove to Mine and Tyler's house

This is the time when I will confess to him

Whether it will break our friendship or not

I just want to tell him how I feel about him

To let go of my secret

My uber driver told me that we have arrived in our destination. I got out of the car and I was walking to the front door

Should I really do this?

I was thinking... I was already next to the front door


I opened the door and ran upstairs to the bedroom.

I was at the door when the door opened suddenly

And I took a peek

And there he was

F*cking a woman

I knew he was straight

How was I so blind...?

I shut the door quietly so it wouldn't make any noise

And I went to the bathroom downstairs

And sobbed tears, tears that I know will kill me inside...tears of sad memories... eventually I stopped and I had enough

Cause I know there is always a rainbow after a storm

I know when he's coming

He's gonna come out of his shell, and find me.

Whoever is that... I'm ready for the fun, sad and memorable moments we will cherish forever


This is kinda a sad(ish) story but it does have a lesson and a small quote my friend gave me.

There is always rainbow after a storm

and everything will be okay in the end

I hope you guy enjoy that story even if it was sad

But anyways have a happy day and I hope you guys are doing well

~XOXO Gabbie


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