10. Kisses for Jealousy

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Dedicating this chapter to : dapaperforest. Thank you so much for the wonderful covers. Check her out for me guys. Love ya❤ Now the story...
I broke my stare and was about to walk away when suddenly I was grabbed from behind and thrown against the wall and kissed roughly on my lips.

I dropped my clutch and quickly pushed away to see a drunk and high looking Ethan standing over me.

"ETHAN WHAT THE HELL ?" I screamed, attracting the attention of people around us.

"Come dance with me" He slurred, reaching for me. The stench of alcohol reeked from his wet shirt.

"No, leave me alone" I said turning away from him, when he suddenly grabbed my wrists and pushed me back against the wall. I struggled under his tight grip. He pinned my hands up over my head and leaned in.

"ETHAN STOP! You're hurting me" I say, struggling under his grip.

"Cmon Zoe, Lets have fun together tonight" He said, planting a rough kiss on my lips.

"STOP! I said I don't want to-"
I was cut off when he was suddenly pulled off of me and thrown to the ground.

I watched an angry Lucas stare down Ethan. I could practically feel the heat radiating off of Lucas. I stood against the wall, rubbing my throbbing wrists.

Suddenly Lucas threw a punch while Ethan struggled to get up. And he threw another when Ethan threw a weak punch . The gathering of chanting people began to block off my view of the fight. Then suddelny, Kai and Dylan were rushing to Lucas and pulling him off of Ethan who was now in a slumber on the ground.

Kai was trying to help Ethan stand up.
"Lucas, Chill out man!" I heard Dylan shout. I locked eyes with Lucas, as Dylan led him outside. His expression was blank but I felt like he wanted to talk to me.

I definitely had nothing to say to him.

I rubbed my wrists which were still burning from Ethan's grip. My head was spinning and I had not even touched a beer.

I couldn't believe Lucas had beat up Ethan OVER ME? Maybe I'm delusional. Maybe I'll wake up and be in my bed.

I pinched myself. Nope, still here.

I need to find Vi. I scoped the room out, squinting against the flashing lights and pushing past the couples, whom where border line of getting pregnant. I couldn't find her anywhere. I called her cell but there was no answer. I had been at this party no more than 20 minutes, and all of this was happening.

I walked into the area where Lucas had made out with that stupid girl. I don't know why I was so angry, I felt like he was mine. But I know its not...I can't. .UHHHH! I hate boys! Especially ones like Lucas! Demanding of sex and just so freaking confusing!!!

My eyes began to brim with tears and not because of Lucas and... Well maybe it was... I was just so overwhelmed with so many emotions and I felt like I was falling apart but boys are such assholes!

I walked down the hall to see the same stupid girl who was kissing up on Lucas. She was kissing up on another guy. Hoe. It took every ounce of patience in me to not slap those fake lashes off her face. Maybe it would help me burn some anger off. I pushed past her and everyone else and locked myself in the bathroom.

I stared back at my reflection. My mascara ran and my ,once curled hair, hung straight. I looked a mess.

I just wanted to go home. I couldn't find Vi and I definitely was not gonna talk to Lucas. Not after what happened tonight.

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