Chapter 14

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Aiden's POV:

"What the hell? She is my daughter and you never told me?" I shouted as I entered the passengers seat in her car.

"Who invited you to come?" She whispered yelled, scared maybe from me.

"I don't have to explain myself to see my daughter, what did you tell her? That her dad died or what?"

"I told her he's far across the world working and providing us with money, what else shall I tell her? That her father left me the next day after the wedding with a freaking letter? Or that he never felt anything towards me? That he made a revenge that broke my whole life because when we were young he maybe used to love me?" She yelled.

"I love you, I was so wrong for leaving you, it was the most stupid thing I made in my whole life. I never stopped loving you, but I was blind. That doesn't give you a reason not to tell me I have a daughter that has my blood and flesh," I fired back.

"You're not going to tell her now that you're her father. No, no, no you're not."

"Oh guess what? Yeah I will, I'll tell her that I'm her dad that is far across the world providing both of my girls with money, either you like it or not, I will." I snapped at her. You could see that she was totally shocked when I said both of my girls, I meant it, they are both my world. I am in love with my daughter even if I didn't see her yet.

"I hate you! You made my life a living hell!"

She shouted and continued driving, soon we arrived. We ran towards the hotel room.

"Ella, are you fine my baby?" Isabel said.

"Yupp, I'm a strong girl mommy, it hurts when I stand up. Who's this man mommy?" Ella my beautiful daughter said, she has my eyes and mouth. Oh god, she's the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, and she's my daughter.

"Oh thanks god you're fine, let me hold you to the hospital," Isabel said, I cleared my throat. "This is Aiden your-," I cut her off.

"Your daddy, that was far across the world, as your mommy said to you," you can see my princess was surprised when I told her I'm her daddy.

"Oh daddy, finally, I had been dreaming to meet you from when I opened my eyes the very first time," oh I guess she has my sense of humor.

Isabel chuckled and I smiled. You can see that Isabel was annoyed, she hates me of course.

"Come now, we should check your leg," said Isabel. I went towards Ella and picked her up, she's too tiny and flow.

"No you're not going with us-," she was cut again but now by my baby daughter.

"Mommy. I want daddy to go with us, to live with us, to play with me, tug me in bed, read for me stories, and feed me. I love him." She muttered, I smiled and kissed her cheeks for about ten times and she was chuckling.

"No he's not-," I ignored her and went with Ella outside the hotel room and to the car.

Soon, Isabel came and drove to the hospital.

"Now when we finish we're going to my mansion, Isabel. There are a lot of things to talk about," she nodded her head.

"YAYYYYYYY, to daddy's house," Ella shouted.

"Everything mine is yours my baby." I told her.

***Authors note***

Thank you for reading.
Pleasde vote, comment, and share. Hope you are enjoying my story.

~Sahar Dirani

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