Chapter 21

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Isabel's POV:

I was bored and I mean bored by super bored.

It's been three days since I put Ella with Aiden and I miss her very much, It's been since then, I didn't visit her. Today I had a photoshoot on the beach, I had somehow fun.

The door knocked and I went to open it. Who will come and visit me at night, I mean only rubbers will, oh my god.

I opened the door and someone engulfed me, it was River. He was looking so handsome in his casual t-shirt and jeans.

"Hey isa, I missed you", he kissed my cheeks. Wait what? Didn't he leave days before? What's up with this man

"You're lucky Ella isn't here, she's at Aiden's we decided to have her every week one of us, I mean I miss her but what can I do about it? He's stubborn as hell. Wait why am I telling you? Yah right so she won't see me fighting with you," I said.

"I'm not here to fight, I regret it for real. You told me about your plan, and that you'll take it to the court, you did get a lawyer or not yet? I have a very good lawyer friend she'll help you, but I don't know, maybe she'll not because she'll also Aiden's friend, you know we all used to hangout, we were in the same high school,"

"I didn't yet, perhaps he maybe did the papers. I don't know, I'll ask him when I'll go to get Ella back from his mansion,"

"I'm entereing," he went to the living room and sat down.

He stayed for hours, and discussed many things. I swear if he got back later I wouldn't have acted like nothing happened.

"Ella, do you love me?" He asked me. Oh no, not this topic again.

"River, we discussed it, I said I maybe like you, I'll learn how to love you slowly, we decided to take it slow remember?"

Minutes passed and no one answered, he was staring behind me, I turned around and saw an angry Aiden holding Ella.

Oh no, oh my god, he heard me.

"Daddy-," Ella started,

"Go to your room baby, I'll come after a minute," with that she ran with her a toy I guess he gave to her.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

I turned to River and he was red.

"I didn't think that you are the one she likes and wants a future in, and you I didn't think that you are the one that he loves, that he's been talking about all years and didn't let me meet. You know what River? We're over, I am the idiot that thought that you are a faithful friend, all this time you have been seeing my wife? The one that I love to death, the one that has my baby, the one that I'm seeking forgiveness from? I'm the blind one that didn't see it, I'm the stupid one that trusted you for how many years? Since diaper, I didn't think that low of you River, I didn't," he finished and took in a breathe, stalked near River and punched him square in his face, River didn't punch back, he let him punch him again and again.

"Stop Aiden stop," I shouted at the top of my lungs.

"I will stop, Isabel. Just know that I love you and I'll not leave you," he responded breathing heavily.

"You did the divorce papers?" I asked.

"What part of I'm not going to divorce with you don't you understand, Isabel? I said I'll never do. I love you, you know when you love a person you'll never leave him," he barked at me then left to Ella's room.

"Isabel, I'm sorry for what happened, I deserve every punch he threw on me, I betrayed my friend, that has been my friend since I opened my eyes. I'm sorry but I can't do it anymore, we're done." And with that River also left, I sobbed alone.

I stayed alone crying, till Aviana texted me, then I told her to come, she did, and I had a shoulder to cry on. I stayed like this for an hour or two then she left.

I went up with sore eyes to see Ella only to find her with Aiden, he was looking at her with adortion.

When he noticed me there I quickly ran to my room, tears flowing back down my cheeks.

He sat there beside me and engulfed me into a hug.

I noticed the blood on his knuckles, without thinking I brought the first aid kit with tears still in my eyes I cleaned his wounds slowly.

"It hurts," he said in a low voice.

"No one is hurt as I am right now, I have been trying and convincing myself so hard to like him to forget what you did to me, and now he's done too," I mumbled with a cracking voice.

"Come back to me, forgive me Isabel," he pleaded holding my chin.

"Why did you do this? Why are you so mean, when I hurt you I was just a little girl, how could you do this to me? It still hurts very much, I swear it does. I think about what you did everyday. I really did love you. Do you know how hard was it to raise Ella on my own? Do you what I have passed through?" I whispered while throwing punches at his chest with all the power I had. I really was destroyed, I couldn't take it anymore.

"I know Isabel, I hate myself daily for that. I hate who I am. I wish I died with my parents back then."

***Authors note***

OH MY GOD! Im in tears! I love these two so much!! Thank you for reading.
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~Sahar Dirani

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