Chapter 23

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Isabel's POV:

"Hi sweetheart, I'll not make it long on you, since you won't understand that I want you, Ella, and me to be a real family together I went to court to take custody of Ella, maybe then you'll come also. Better find yourself a good lawyer. Make sure he or she whatever be a good one since mine is too good and I'm winning from now I can tell," Aiden said as I opened the phone.

"Two can play the game Aiden, make sure that our divorce will be in this court too," I replied.

"We'll see." He said then I hung up.

I went to the lawyer that is called Sarah, they say she's too good, and she won every case she handled, so why not, it's not that I don't have enough money to pay her.

I went towards her office and her personal assistant welcomed me since I have an appointment ofcourse. Those filthy people.

"Hey miss Sarah James," I said.

"Hey, miss Isabel William," she replied.

"Isabel Scott please, I came here to hold a case of divorce on my husband and win custody of my daughter,,"

"Oh okay,  is he abusing or harassing you or your daughter?"

"Noo. Three years ago he married me, got me pregnant, and left. Now he came and wants to have my daughter, we agreed to have her each one a week, but I want to divorce with custody of Ella, I don't wanna live like this. I already like someone that I'm planning to live with in future," that's a lie now.

"Oh okay, it's enough, he left you and now wants you right?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"Okay, miss Isabel we'll probably win this, it's his fault here, the trail is within two weeks maximum,"

"Thank you so much,"

"It's nothing ," we shook hands.

With this done I went outside her office and to my house.

"Isabel," some shouted, I looked back and saw Aiden, as I see, he was a tired Aiden. 

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"Isabel please, forgive me, I'll make it up to you, I'll do anything you want me to do, let's get through this together, we can live happily, no need to-,"

"Last time I checked you went to court first. And what would've happened if you were like this three years back?"

"I know I did that, I'll win it, trust me I'll do, I'll not let you leave me this easily. I love you, I know that you would opened a divorce case, I did it now to get everything done. I don't want to lose anymore time,"

"I shall go, oh my, where is Ella?"

"I called a nanny since I had to go to a lawyer," he answered.

"Well, go to her then. By the way when we'll go to the trail I'll leave Ella at my parents house. They called and said they'll moving to live here for some reasons,"

They told me so yesterday, they said that they have some reasons which they didn't tell me about. I'm not complaining they'll help me, and I'll have someone to put Ella with when I wanna go out.

"Okay." with the I turned on my heels and left him.

***Authors note***

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~Sahar Dirani

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