Questions Regarding the Murder

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"What are you doing here??!! You'll get killed!"

"I came to find you."

"Well, you don't know who I really am. If you did, you would hate me."

Tension filled the air and soft, muffled sobs escaped from Minghao. He had  a black collar on his neck and his arms were chained together.

"I-I am actually-"

"Your the one who killed all those lives, right?"

His eyes widened in astonishment, as I approached before him.

"H-how did you..."

Suddenly the door burst opened again revealing a tall man. It was Junhui, as he latched unto Minghao to force him outside.

"What are you-"

"You can't get him to escaped that easily. He looks like the type to refuse help."

Then he withdrew a handkerchief and muffled Minghao, as he soon fainted. It was probably chloroformed.


We arrived at the police headquarters and Junhui led us to the his office, while he layed Minghao on the couch.

"Who are you really?"

"I'm actually a deputy cheif officer in the force. I only disguised myself and attended your school to keep surveillance of you and Minghao."

"They police knew that he was the culprit?"

"No. Apparently security footage containing any details of the murderer was deleted. This was just a guess and my hunch was right."

"Knowing Minghao, he isn't the type to do this. Someone is controlling him... Isn't it?"

"Yes. Much investigations were carried out that proves his innocence, but the mastermind couldn't be found."

A groan was heard, and we turned our heads to the direction of the noise. It was Minghao and he had regained consciousness. He glared at Junhui, motioning him to leave the room, and he nonchalantly obeyed. The man left and Minghao's features softened yet it displayed pain and regret.

"What's going on?"

"Would you believe me if someone was controlling me my whole life?"

He steadily gazed unto me, patiently waiting for my response as I nodded sympathetically.

"I know."

"How did you find out that I was the murderer."

"The day... That I met you. You were covered in blood. When I reminisces about it, a witness like that left unkilled, was impossible."

"Then know that I'm also responsible for killing your parents.

"But that doesn't changed the fact you were controlled and will forever be a cherished friend."

He smiled at my acknowledgement as tears flooded in his eyes. He wiped them away with his index finger but the eyes were slightly swollen. I approached before him and soothingly embraced him as I caressed his hair.

"My master, he corrupted me. All my actions were unintentional. He is a powerful man, that can even bribe securities to make surveillance footages disappear."

"Then why did he halted his massacre for 10 years?"

"My master was simply a cheat. One day, he was finally charged of fraud, other evidences weren't discovered so his penalty wasn't severe. Nevertheless, he hired a lawyer, but that man refused to aid him, from his preposterous and malevolent background, then hs purposely dismissed himself from court on the trial date."

"Is that man Zhang Yixing?"

"Yes. That's why my master was finally accused and was sent to prison for 10 years. After he was released, he ordered me to kill Yixing, from being backstabbed."

"Why did all the victims bore the same wound?"

"My master likes it orderly, for the whole world to remember his massacre."

I sighed in disbelief at the man. Suddenly, I pondered about the other victims that I had investigated.

"What about Huang Renjun?"

"My master was a drugdealer, as he had many occupations revolving around black money. And that kid didn't had the cash to pay for his drugs, so he stole a one-year supply of heroin."

"And that's why Renjun was murdered?"

Minghao nodded in guilt. The victims weren't all innocent, as some were evil as well. But Minghao still felt responsible for their deaths.

"And Zhou Yixuan?"

"My master knew he didn't have cash. So he offered Yixuan a job as a prostitute. Yixuan was surprisingly loyal for a month and had many eager clients. But, he fell in love with a regular and rejeted other customers, resulting his low productivity."

"So that's why he was killed."

Minghao nodded as he clenched unto my shirt and drifted asleep.

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