Author's note

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I want to point out that "Hate at first sight" was never meant to be a long story, it was supposed to be a 10000 words' contest, but then as I reached the end of the words limit, I realized that I was falling for the characters since I could relate to every single one of them; therefore, I decided to carry on!

However, I used to write in the school's bus because I had no time to write properly at home 'literally', so most of the chapters were unedited and contained a lot of mistakes and gaps in the scenes, that's why I thought of editing the previous chapters and adding some more to fill the holes.

For those who read the story already (19 chapters), you won't be lost because I tried my best to keep the first basis of the story, you can carry on with chapter 20 like I hadn't even changed a thing (I have exams so I'll post it after I'm done with them). Although, if you're the type of readers who live in the scenes and are engrossed in reading, I highly recommend you to reread from the beginning since I added more scenes that contain feelings such as frustration, uncertainty, guilt, hurt, happiness and love, and more characters (that I'm not going to mention here because I'll be spoiling).

I'm not interested in the number of 'reads' as much I'm interested about the quality of readers I have, because when I first started posting my drafts on Wattpad, all I cared about was improving my writing skills. And thankfully, I had my share of great readers, who helped me by sending their support in private messages.

I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I loved writing it.

Thank you...

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