Chapter 13

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It is hard to spend your entire life hating someone so badly that it becomes a habit for you and you forget the main reason why your dislike has grown that much toward him/her. But when the hurricane of your feelings storms at you blowing your cover, everything changes including you because under layers of hate, lived care and love, which were invisible and hidden deep down in your heart...!!!

Nadia's POV:

I couldn't delete the disappointment written on Dillon's face that day the moment he learned the truth; he just stood there completely confused and puzzled of what Zack said. His eyebrows were furrowed upward as his hands were clenched by his side and his eyes were burning holes on my face, just with one look.

I was planning to tell Dillon everything from the beginning till the end but Zack blew everything up for me so I had to gather pieces that I shattered with no means to hurt anybody, and in that moment, I didn't care that Zack had my phone as much as I cared about my friend who walked away when nothing came out of my mouth, a feeling of hurt apparent on his face.

With tears threatening to escape my eyes, I ran after Dillon although my feet hurt me so badly when I put all my weight on them when I was descending the stairs. My friendship with Dillon, meant the world to me so I couldn't ruin what we had because of my fake marriage, it just couldn't happen.

Because of my state, I couldn't keep up with him as he started fading out of my sight in the corner so I had to literally yell and call his name several times but he didn't stop, he kept walking away; he never left like that, never did we have an issue that we didn't solve in the same exact moment it started therefore as he was walking away, I literally felt like I lost him. And it hurt me but I wouldn't give up, I would try till I get him to listen to me.

At some point, I was out of breathe, I felt like my feet were bleeding and I could no longer move so without even realizing, I lead my head on a near wall and closed my eyes, feeling adrenaline rush through me as panic settled inside of me for a mere minute. I wished I could explain myself, I wished I could bring back time and admit everything myself, not after being caught like I was doing something bad, I should've told him about it before I even married Zack.

"You think I didn't know?" Dillon's soft voice echoed in my head and I honestly thought that I was imagining things but then I suddenly felt a tug on my jacket, I opened my eyes immediately to meet Dillon's intense eyes.

I stared at him blankly even though his statement didn't surprise me, since I knew that his parents would mention it to him since I saw them in the wedding. However, I somehow hoped nobody would tell him besides me and I knew that it was selfish from my part but I was honestly ashamed to confront him and I felt somehow guilty that I had to hide the truth.

"Why did you marry him? Since when did you learn to hide things from me? What about your feelings for Col?" He pounded me with questions that seemed forced out of his mouth.

'Did he ask about my feelings for Col?' I questioned myself, quite embarrassed because my feelings were supposed to be a secret 'What did he mean by saying "Your feelings for Col"? Did he actually blow my cover? What if Col also knew?' My head hurt a lot in that moment and I had lots of things to say but I didn't have the courage to even open my mouth to let words come out.

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