Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: 

Zack's POV:

      After reading the text of the investigator, I thought of the things that might lead Nadia to go to Chicago, maybe she was visiting her mother, or she was just going to see Col or Dillon, or she had an important meeting which included the company. But then why was she so tensed on her first call?

      Realizing that sitting in the car aimlessly, wasn't going to lead me anywhere, I parked the car then headed to the building, since I had to pack few spare outfits, I didn't know how many days I was staying after all, and I had to be ready for everything. 

      Instead of finding Collen at the door as usual, I found another guy, who stood up as soon as he saw me entering. I wondered what happened to Collen so I asked the new guy immediately "Where's Collen?" 

"His mother is sick so he's off to take care of her, meanwhile, I'm here to fill his position until he returns" The guy brushed his hand on his shirt to clean the sauce of the Pizza he was eating and offered me his hand to shake "I'm Daniel, you can call me Dan" 

"Nice to meet you" I shook his hand back "I want Collen's phone number, do you have it?" 

"No but I can get it"

"Thanks, I need it in twenty minutes" I smiled at him before entering the elevator. 

      Collen was a really nice man and I wanted to make sure that he had everything he needed in this rough time, even if it meant that I'd be paying all of his mother's bills. I knew how much losing a mother was hard so I didn't want him to be in my position. He'd be devastated. 

     Nadia was nowhere to be found as I entered the apartment, so I headed directly to my room to pack my bag. I packed essentials only because we weren't staying long there and I didn't want to make Nadia suspect anything by holding a big suitcase; just a sport bag was more than enough.

      I lifted the bag that I packed, opened the room's door and was about to step out when I saw Nadia stepping out of her room as well; she seemed surprised at first but her eyes landed on the bag I was holding, and I could've sworn that I saw her flinching slightly. 

       She kept staring at the bag for few seconds before she looked up to meet my gaze; her hair was up in a messy bun, as her face was natural without any makeup on; damn, she was really beautiful and I was fighting the urge to run to her and have her in my arms, she was so tempting! 

'Why does our relationship have to be complicated? Why can't I claim my wife like other couples?' I wondered but then again my inner voice had to step in and bring me back to reality 'because you haven't met like normal couple do'  

      As if she heard my thoughts, she started walking toward me but stopped when she was an arm's length away. A stray of hair fell on the side of her face, she tugged it behind her ear and kept fidgeting with her hem of her shirt nervously. 

"Where are you going?" She asked, eyeing the bag.

"I am taking some spare clothes to the penthouse" I lied, hoping she would buy my lie "Why are you asking?" 

"Well" My question caught her off guard so she began to mutter and blabber "In case your grandma came to visit" 

"But won't you be at Chicago?" I raised my eyebrows at her. 

"Yeah, and you have to cover me up" 

"And why would I do that?" I questioned her. 

"Because I've spent an entire week lying to cover you up" She answered me, smugly, putting her hands on her hips. 

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