Chapter 36

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Chapter 36:

Nadia's POV:

"I am glad we have a deal" Sinan shook my hand as he spotted his driver from afar "Ve öğle yemeğiniz hoş oldu (And it was pleasant having lunch with you)"

"Teşekkürler, benim için zevkti (Thank you, it was my pleasure)" I smiled at him, professionally.

"Şöförüm burada, kendinize iyi bakın, Bayan Collins (My driver's here, take care of yourself, Mrs. Collins" He put more stress on my name although I told him about my status.

"Karınıza merhaba de, gelecek sefere akşam yemeğine çıkmasını bekliyorum (Say hi to your wife, I am expecting her for dinner next time)" I waved at him.

"Tabii (Sure)"

The meeting with Sinan was great since he accepted most of our rules and guidelines, and we signed a contract for two years, which was more than amazing because Sarte was one of the biggest clothing companies in Turkey, and it would spread our name in the market.

Sinan was kind of chocked when I told him that Zack and I, were going to split up; he even tried to convince me to fix things, stating that Zack really loved me just by the way he was looking at me. And I have to admit that it brought a sad feeling to my chest because things weren't the same anymore.

Damn my stupid brain...

After leaving the hotel behind, I went back to my office since I had many paperwork to solve and had be done before the day after, or maybe it was just a way to distract myself like I did the day before in order not to think of Zack.

I worked until I could no longer process what I was doing, I was that exhausted, so I put the things I had finished aside and left a sticky note for Sophia to register them on the Computer. After that, I grabbed my phone and purse and went out.

The entire building was empty except the guards, standing beside the door, who bowed their heads at me on my way out. It was already dark outside and the weather wasn't good as the grey clouds filled the sky; it would probably rain so I hurried to my car and headed home.

On my way home, my mother called, but I was so drained that I didn't feel like answering her call, I just refused her call and texted her "I am driving, talk to you tomorrow". Since mom heard about what happened, she suddenly decided to be my mother again, calling few times a week to ask how I was feeling.

But she never came to see me...!!!

I know that I was being harsh on my mother but every time, I decide to forgive her, I remember the nights I stayed up crying with Adam over dad's death while she was supposedly working in Chicago, I remember all the times I called her because I missed her but she didn't answer me since she had an had an important meeting, and I remember seven months ago when she didn't even show up to our meeting.

Thinking of those memories, lowered my mood and gave me a serious urge to just get home and have a hot shower to wash away my exhaustion and frustration. However, the sound of rain that was tapping on my window, made me relax instantly on my leather seat and lower my speed because of the wet roads.

By time I reached the house, the rain became heavier and the air became colder, and I spit at myself for not wearing a coat when I left that morning although Ann insisted. Moreover, adding to my great luck, I didn't even have an umbrella in my car.

Deciding that it was better to leave the papers I brought with me in the car, I went out, locked the cars' doors then I literally ran to the entrance but I wasn't as fast as necessary since I ended up wet from head to toe.

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