Ocean Tail

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Kristina's POV

I swam faster, flicking my fin back and forth as quickly as I could, enjoying the feel of the water rushing over my skin and scales. Looking over my shoulder, I could see a large shape closing in right behind me. My pursuer was bigger and stronger than me, no doubt able to beat me in a fight. I looked forward again, angling my fingers to the right. In a split second I went from swimming straight and narrow, to hitting a sharp right turn, till I was behind my chaser. I put my hands at my sides, pushing myself faster and faster until I was right above it. Then when it noticed that I wasn't in front anymore, it slowed down, loosening up a little, giving me the perfect chance to attack. Quickly, I reached down, grabbing their hands, twisting them behind their back, and flattened against them, restricting their ability to hit me with their tail. "Gotcha." I said, whispering in their ear, letting go. "Well done Kristina, you are ready for your ceremony." they replied. I smiled. I had been waiting for this day for the past twelve years.

My name is Kristina Aspens. I am a mermaid. 17 years old in merfolk years, 22 in human, 5'5" with a tail, 5'2" with human legs. I have long, stick straight, golden brown hair that reaches to the middle of my back with sea foam green and blue highlights (yes they are natural). I also have blue spirals wrapping up my skin on my right arm, with an identical design on my left arm, but in green, these marking are different than anyone else's, it shows the achivements I have had in my life. For the ones on my arms, those are warrior marks. I'm a naval officer on land and the leader of the sea army. The markings on my tail show that I can use my magic to do anything I want, when ever I want, unlike others who can only change colors, or who are restricted to what their powers can do. I'm a warrior mermaid, but also a princess. Yeah that's me in a nutshell and I'm about to become a leader...

Chris's POV

I growled as I felt the tremor run up my arm from the impact of his sword hitting mine. Quickly I counterattacked, driving him back, gaining back the ground from him that I had lost. He swung at me again, but this time, I was ready. Blocking it, pushing it back, I swung my blade again, knocking his sword out of his hand, sending it clattering to the dirt ten feet away. I placed the edge of my sword on the left side of his neck, holding it there, breathing heavily. "Well done Chris. We will meet again in an hour for hand to hand combat training." the man said, breathing evenly, with a proud gleam in his eyes. I moved my blade away from his neck, sliding it back into its sheath, and nodded, "Yes sir!"

He got up, dusted off his uniform, walked over grabbed his sword, sheathing it, it settled against the hilt with a clang, "Dismissed!" I saluted, then turned on my heal, walking away.

My name is Chris Scott. I'm 23 years old. Around 5'7", dark brown hair...according to my mom anyway, and my eyes are dark brown also. I'm in training to become an officer in the Navy. I have a secret that I keep from everyone who isn't in my family, or didn't find out by accident. Yep, I'm a real live merman, 18 years old in merfolk years. I don't want to admit it, I just want to be normal like the humans, not having to worry about underwater problems that my race has to deal with, or these annoying achivment markings that keep showing up if I forget to fade them back into my skin.

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