Keep Swimming

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Chris's POV
I went back to my room, taking off my practice uniform, hanging my sword up on my wall. I had only been back home from boot camp for two weeks and dad already had me working my butt off with all kinds of training. Looking at the clock on my wall, I smiled, he said to be back in an hour, so I had time for a quick swim. Throwing on my swim trunks, slipping my goggles on, I grabbed my towel, and a bottle of water. Walking to the back door of my little house, I left for the beach, which was in my back literally. I took off running for the waves, dropping my stuff on the ground, I jumped, and swan dove into the water.

I swam deeper and deeper to the ocean floor. I could feel the pressure building up on my body, so I quickly shifted. A common mistake most fairy tale books make is that we have no control over our shift and if we touch water, poof, we become half fish, but that doesn't happen. I took in a deep breath, feeling the gills behind my ears contract as they started working. I grinned, pinned my arms to my side, and took off ultra fast to my private cove in the reef.

Kristina's POV

I was swimming mindlessly through the coral reefs. I was about to be crowned queen of my people, but I still haven't found my soul heart. I let out a huff. There is no way that I would be able to rule justly without my other half. People around me already complained that I was too strict and a hard ass, not that it was my fault, I always admired warriors and the human soldiers, so as soon as I could, I started training. I didn't want to be one of those weak, helpless, pathetic rulers. I wanted to know how to protect my kingdom, lead a battle, but most importantly, protect and guard my family. I shook my head, I couldn't think of things like that right now. 'Hey Kristina, were are you girl?' asked Haley through our thought link. 'I'm on my way to the reef, whatcha need?' I said. 'Just worried about you sis! You seemed kinda out of it during practice today.' piped up Alexis, turning it into a group thought link. 'Just stressed out guys...I'm going up to the surface tomorrow to see if I can find my soul heart.' I replied. 'Oh, well if you need any help girl, we are here for you...' said Alexis. 'Thanks girls.' after saying that, I quickly broke off the mind link, and swam faster.

I let my mind wander, blocking out all of my problems, and just let my love of water envelop me. Ironic, I'm a mermaid, I love water, but then again I'd rather just be normal, like a human. (NO! Don't think about that. This is suppose to be a relaxing swim!) I quickly blocked it all out again. All of a sudden a quick chirp sounded through the water next to me. I looked to my left, grinning, and I saw a dolphin. I chirped back a reply and laughed as it twisted through the water. I shook my head, I just needed some time to swim alone. It understood, taking off, leaving a trail of bubbles in its wake. The water was getting warmer, the sand was more golden, the fish were colorful and numerous, I had finally reached the coral reefs.

Chris's POV

I flashed through the coral reefs, jetting through the twists and turns, swimming as fast as possible to get to the cove. The cool thing about the coral reefs is they are growing around this deserted island. There was an underwater tunnel that led to a cove on the rocky shore of the island. It's a great place to swim too and shift back. I smiled to myself, I had never seen another mermaid or merman around here, which is nice; normally they don't treat land dwelling merpeople very well, which is stupid. I was just about to enter the tunnel when something stopped me. Not a real barrier, something in my heart literally pulled at it, and stopped me. I was shocked. I had only heard about this kind of stuff in legends. Soul-hearts, the other half of you that you almost literally can't live without...and I think I just found mine...

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