Shocking Stream

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Kristina's POV

He was looking at me, confused, trying to figure out what was going on. I tried not to laugh, but I couldn't keep it in anymore. Had I not been swimming, I would have been laying on the floor, rolling around laughing, but my arms were a little preoccupied with helping me tred, so I probably just looked like a demeted person... He started swimming todards me a little bit, just flicking his tail, but I stopped him, raising my finger. He paused, even more confused than before, I just smiled at him. I took a noticable big breath, closed my eyes, and brought my hands up from my sides, slowly bringing them up together above my head. While I was doing that, swirles of silver, water, and green light wrapped around my two feet, all the way up my body, to the tip of my hands. I turned my head to the left, and looked down. As the swirls of silver, the water, and green light started to dissapear, it traveled up my body. My feet were replaced by my sea foam green tail, my toned bare stomach, the small cresent moon charm dangling from my pierced belly button, the small marking on my sides out in the open to be seen. He was staring at me, I knew what he saw. I had markings from the middle of the top of my hand all the way up to my elbowes, there was one on each of the outside parts of both my eyes, then at the base of my neck, a swirled marking that curved to one side of my neck, to my back, which held even more markings. Then an itching sensation took over my skin that covered my left shoulder and lead to my left breast. I reached up to scratch it, until I looked down. A light green, blue, silver, and gold marking was forming, ending in an elabroate swirled diamond over my heart. 'Great...just great...another freaking marking.'

Then I looked at him closer. His markings were colored a lot like mine, only his had darker green and blue, but not all of them had all four colors (green, blue, silver, and gold) together, and instead of them being swirled like mine, they were sharp, thicker lines, with occasional diamond shapes They lead up from the middle of his hand, to his elbow. There was one that crossed over his right peck to the middle of his chest, another that covered the back of his neck, and no doubt led to more elaborate markings on his back. As I was watching, one appeared identical to mine, only in the same style as his other markings. It started at his left shoulder, then the dark green, dark blue, silver, and gold markings, trailed down to his left peck, covering the top part of it, right over his heart. My eyes snapped back up to meet his, I swam over to him, and then circled around him, my body just a few inches from his. When I stopped, I was looking directally into his eyes, I don't know what I was looking for, I guess I just thought I would find the answer as to why I was never able to sense him before... 'KRISTIAN, GET BACK TO THE KINGDOM NOW!!!' the voice of my senior gaurd echoed through my head, he only used my full first name when something significant was happening. I stopped abrubtly, looked at Chris, shooting him a look of apology, "I have to go. I'm being called back to the city. You may come if you would like?...." I said, my voice trailing off at thhe end.

He shrugged his shoulders, "Let's get you there quickly." With saying that, I turned, and sped off quickly through the water, bending the currents around me to allow me to move faster. I only looked behind myself once, just to see if Chris was still following me. I have never seen or met another merperson who was every able to keep up with me. Needless to say, I was very impressed with his abilities. As we neared the city, I sent out a thought message to everyone in the city (well accept for Chris that is) 'I want no one to meantion anything about me being the heir to the throne, or even royalty.' The resounding silence answered me as their answer. The collosal broken towers loomed over us as we neared the outside of the city. From the outside it looked like a city crushed by the waves, weathered by the currents, deystroyed. To the human eye it was just a bunch of old ruins that had already been picked over by researchers and treasure hunters, that is until you broke the 'magical' barrier that kept the humans from seeing the truth.

As we passed through it, the sceen changed. The city looked like it was frozen in time, the towers were standing tall, the marble and glass shinning when the sunlight hit it, it looked like a paradice. "Wow..." Chris breathed behing me. I smiled to myself, turning my head back, "You should see the's almost like the mainland..." The gaurds at the top of the tower looked down at me, before they could say anything I quickly reminded them, 'Do not breath a word of my title.' Then gave a slight nod and opened up the gate. As it opened up, Chris swam up to my side, 'Kristina, why have gates when you could just swim over the top?' I let out a laugh, 'Chris, remember in tactics class how the cities protected their walls from invasion?' 'Yeah?' 'Well, these walls have protection too. That is why there are gaurds at the top, they have trained so much that their magic for their job, is really strong' 'What does that have to do with protecting the city?' 'Watch.' "Gaurds, simulation, round two." I shouted up to the towers. The replacment gaurds took their spots, as the ones that I yelled too, swam down to us. "General." the main gaurd said. "Emmerson, take the squad and run a tactical breach simulation round two in the training field." He nodded, 'Princess, why are we doing this drill?' I sighed, 'I will speak to you in private after it to explain, but right now I must find the senior gaurd.' As we parted, a cold current wrapped around me, chilling me to the bones. Something bad was happening, I couldn't see it, but I knew it would change things greatly in my kingdom. "Kristina, are you ok? You seem a little pale." Chris asked, moving closer to me. I looked at him, meeting his gaze, I knew he couldn't feel the current, only the ruler of the kingdom could, "It's nothing Chris, just a slight chill I felt." He frowned, but didn't question me further. 'Kristina...palace now.' a voice whispered in my head. I felt my blood freeze in my body, that was not a voice I had ever wanted to hear again...

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