Secrets in the Open

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I just stayed there treading. Apparently Chris had been trying to catch my attention with no success because the next thing I know he's kissing me. My lips moved against his against my will, my emotions replacing rational thoughts as I kissed him back. Suddenly I was jolted back to reality as a sudden, even colder current hit me again, I blinked quickly and pulled away. "Chris! What the heck?!" I asked in a hoarse whisper, looking around to make sure no one saw, to my relief no one was paying attention. "Well I couldn't get your attention any other way. What's going on?" "Nothing you need to worry about Chris. Can you stay with the guards here for a second? I need to go talk to someone for a moment..." "Are you sure you are okay?" He asked, looking me in the eyes. I took a hesitant breath. I had never been a good lier to people I was close too, but this was going to be tricking. How could I lie to the man I was destined to spend the rest of my life with? Would he forgive and understand why I did it after? "I'll be fine. If I need help I'll just call for you. Okay?" I asked, plastering a complete fake, hoping it looked genuine, smile on my face, praying he'd buy it and listen to me. I did not need anyone knowing that I had found my other half. I didn't need anyone knowing they could have leverage over me... "Okey, but if you aren't back in forty minutes, I'm coming to find you. Okay?" He asked, tilting my head up meeting my eyes. I sighed and nodded. At least he would be here, away from any danger.

Without wasting another moment, I started swimming as fast as I could to the palace. 'Why is he back. What does he want. How did he get in?!' Millions of thoughts were ringing through my mind. Then I remembered thought links between soul hearts was stronger then a normal thought link. I had to make sure to keep my mental walls up, if not for privacy, then to keep Chris from getting hurt. The less he knew right now the better. At least that's what I thought.

Chris's POV.

We were having fun, then all of a sudden I look over and she looks like a ghost from hell came over and told her shes gonna die. She was paler then the pearl pendent in her hair, so I kissed her to get her attention. I mean, not that I needed a reason to kiss her, she was my soul heart after all. Wait, how did a commoner get such an expensive piece of jewelry... I look up at Emmerson, "Where is Kristina going?" He looks up at me. I saw a quick flicker of emotion in his eyes before it was replaced with a blank stare, "She is going to meet with her fa...king." I caught his slight hesitation, but didn't let on. Maybe he forgot...or maybe he was becoming complacent. Then I could learn more about this place and my wonderful Kristina. *Stop thinking like that Chris! You have a life on the surface and there is no way that you can ask her to give up her life down here to be with you.* Sometimes I really hated my concious. Emmerson snapped me out of my thoughts, "So Kristina wanted my and a few of the guards to show you what the barrier does and what the wall is meant for." I nodded, "I am new down here. I am sorry to be a bother to you sir." His jaw dropped, clearly shocked by my actions and respect, "You don't have to call me that. I am only the second ranking officer...In my position I don't deserve that kind of respect." I looked at him confused, "But Kristina..." He inturrupted me, stiffening visible as I meantioned her name, "She has the right to call me whatever she wants." Then he turned around and started calling out to the other guards on the wall. *Did this guard...have feelings for my soul heart?* I shook the feeling off. There is no way.

I followed Emmerson back outside the gates as he continued giving orders. "Go over there Mr. Chris. You don't want to be so close while we are going this." Emmerson said to me, his face once again placid and controlled. I swam over to some of the coral and tread next to it, watching, waiting, wondering what the heck is going one. Emmerson and two other guards came about thirty spans from me raised their hands, and following them, was a giant electrified current, and they aimed it right at some unsuspecting guards. What happened the next moments shocked the hell out of me...not literally though. Instead of the high voltage bolt hitting them, it bounced harmlessly off an invisable shield. The guards on the wall walking didn't even look fazed at the occurance and they kept walking as if nothing had happened. Then a few seconds later a huge shark came through. I looked up, still shocked, sharks, they were the bane of merfolk. The guards stopped their movements, as if trying to become invisible to the monstrous beast. I looked over at Emmerson who was looking at the guards with a normal expression. I however was starting to pull my power into my hands, ready to kill the creature with one swift movement. Then, just as the shark got closer to the barrier, it made a slow lazy turn, and went in the opposite direction. I was shocked, sharks love merfolk, and not in the good way. There were bedtime stories used that told of sharks killing thousands of our kind during the migration season. They were terrifyingly true and kept everyone inside their homes during the migration on sharks, or up onto the main land. I let go of the power I had accumulated in my hands, letting it flow back into the water, and my body. Emmerson looked over at me, a facial expression set on not showing emotion, but his eyes were shining with silent amusement. "How does that barrier work?" I asked. "They are pure energy. Unlike most barriers, this one takes the energy of the water around us and feeds it to the barrier making it strong. Incase we are attacked, we are able to use our energy on the enemy instead of a barrier, however there are some of us that will bend the barrier to suit the needs of the kingdom." He replied, looking in the direction of the barrier with pride. "Did you design it?" I asked, grinning to myself. He nodded, "Yes I did in fact, I designed, built, and run it." "Impressive Sir, very impressive." "Lady Kristina wanted me to give you a tour of the city while she is in council with the king." Emmerson said, turning to me and looking at the city that spanned miles behind us." I nodded my head, "That sounds like a great idea, lead the way."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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