On our quest to discover the ingredients for a romantic story everyone wants to read (and re-read), we asked you three questions.What characters and themes are popular in romance?
Are there ones you would like to see more of?
What are you fed up of reading about?
You replied with enthusiasm and honesty. Here are the main points of what you told us.
We want more of these!
Favourite Themes.
1. Originality appeals to us rather than a story we've read numerous times before.
2. We like strong and independent leads. Our heroines should be confident women and our heroes are men who aren't afraid to show their weaknesses or flaws.
3. The characters must be realistic and believable along with their feelings and the situations they encounter.
4. New twists on the old clichés like amnesia or love triangles keep us reading.
5. There should be obstacles to falling in love. Insta love isn't highly regarded.
6. The characters will learn about their partners flaws and can still love them.
7. We prefer stories where they treat each other as equals.
8. The hero or heroine don't need love but find it unexpectedly.
9. Our characters should be proud of their sexuality, especially in GxG or BxB romances.
10. A well written and crafted story is preferred. So check (and double check) spelling and grammar.
These scenarios are particularly popular-
1. Marriage of necessity
2. One night stands and the aftermath.
3. Friends falling in love.
4. Forbidden love such as a re-telling of Romeo and Juliet.
Preferred Characters.
1. Mafia/gang leaders
2. Nerds
3. Fantasy
4. Royalty
5. Vampires
6. Werewolves
7. Billionaires. We prefer wealth rather than money struggles.
8. High school sweethearts but with darker themes.
We've had enough of these!
Unappealing Themes.
1. The clingy girlfriend who can't manage without her boyfriend.
2. Characters with little self esteem or apparent intelligence.
3. Crying and relying on others to solve your problems.
4. A sudden jump from hate to love with no obvious reasons.
5. Long descriptions of physical attributes of the characters and their clothing.
6. Unrealistic happy ever afters.
7. Glamourising physical or verbal abuse.
Overused Characters.
1. Rich man and poor girl
2. Bad boy and good girl.
Thanks to everyone for their thoughtful contributions but special mentions to @CharlieCertified who opened our discussion and then @DaniellaSombra and @foxritual for keeping it going.
Do you agree with this? Did we omit anything important?
Leave your thoughts here or in the Characters and Themes chapter comments.
Feel welcome to interact on the topic in the comments as this is how perceptive ideas and insights emerge. Together we can inspire each other to create amazing romance.
Mary -ambassador
Tips Corner
RandomThis is where we talk about writing romance. Everyone is welcome! Tips Corner is an interactive learning format rather than teaching. We all love to read or write romance and whether we realise it or not, are experts and have ideas to offer. There...