In a romance two people usually fall in love during a story. Apart from that, anything else is possible.Some characters are popular like the billionaire or bad boy hero. We also often see a heroine who is struggling to make ends meet or recovering from a bad breakup.
Some themes are well represented like workplace romance, marriage of necessity or the one night stand with consequences.
However, this means there are pitfalls. You can write a great story but it has characters or themes that even your friends have to be asked to read. Or you can do one that people are getting fed up with. Or even another billionaire and poor girl story that has to compete with the millions of similar stories already out there.
So -
What other characters and themes are popular in romance?
Are there ones you would like to see more of?
What are you fed up of reading about?
Comment below. If your opinion is similar to one already mentioned, you can reply there and chat among yourselves.
We will summarise the main points of our discussion in a later chapter, which may also include shout outs for very helpful contributors.
This will hopefully inspire people with characters and themes that people really love in romance.

Tips Corner
RandomThis is where we talk about writing romance. Everyone is welcome! Tips Corner is an interactive learning format rather than teaching. We all love to read or write romance and whether we realise it or not, are experts and have ideas to offer. There...