We all have admitted that we have had the dreadful Writer's Block...
It may last a few days, weeks and for some even months... can you imagine that?
I know for me it all depends on what is going on in my personal life. You feel that when you are writing a good story that has your readers wanting more, it should just go on smoothly. So why did your creative mind all of a sudden have a Mental Fart?
Well... I am sure all of us are still trying to find the answer to that... and if you do, PLEASE share it with the rest of us!
I know that when I hit the dreaded W.B. I take a mental break and wait until it comes back to me. Sometimes that's all it takes and when it doesn't, I re-read the previous chapter to kick start my writing juices.
But when that doesn't work, I tend to just take a mental break and relax my brain. Trust and believe we all need it at some point. I know that some writers just want to write a chapter to get it over with but when you feel stuck, that break can help you come up with a great plot twist for your story. Try it, it works.
You guys have shared a few good tips on how you battle Writer's Block. One tip is listening to music to clear the head. Whether it's pop, hip hop, rap, rock or classical, music does something within us that kick starts our creativity. It could be a lyric to a sappy love song or the beat to that song you can't get out of your head that helps inspires you to write the next part of your story.
Watching movies or your favorite show may also help out like some of you stated. Your favorite Romance movie, comedy, drama, suspense, or even a scary flick can set the mood. Sometimes it can help to watch that scene that can help the characters fall in love, solve, be a mystery or whatever you want your characters to continue in your story.
You can even get some ideas from friends or even your faithful readers that throughout the story have given you some suggestions. Trust and believe... I get that ALL OF THE TIME!
So, whatever helps you ward off the dreaded Writer's Block, know that it happens to the best of us and in time you are able to overcome it...
... you wouldn't be a writer if it doesn't happen....
Good luck everyone,
Ambassador Nenerh1
Tips Corner
RandomThis is where we talk about writing romance. Everyone is welcome! Tips Corner is an interactive learning format rather than teaching. We all love to read or write romance and whether we realise it or not, are experts and have ideas to offer. There...