Chapter 13: Welcome to Equinox Greens

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Countless miles away from the Silent Realm, and only a score of miles away from what used to be Canterlot, a featureless field sat on the edge of an empty marshland.


A formerly featureless field. Now, there were eight features: six ponies, one small dragon and one smaller draconequus, lying in a groaning pile.

"See?" Rarity disentangled herself, and managed a shaky smile. "Simplicity itself."

Twilight did not smile back. "Here's what simple, Rarity: Canterlot's gone."

Past marshlands, plains, hills and lake, Armonia's obsidian palace stained Canterlot mountain's entire upper half. Phoblins screeched amongst its spined towers, buzzing like flies on a fresh carcass. Everypony shivered.

"The Princesses are gone. Armonia's won. Equestria's finished." Twilight choked off, turned away, unable bear the vile sight anymore.

"We're still here Twilight," said Applejack gently. "And as long as we are, Ah reckon Equestria's got a fighting chance." She patted Twilight's shoulder, put on her Stetson, and started exploring. "In the meantime, let's find—"


It happened so fast everypony nearly missed it. Thin air rippled, briefly flashed blueish-gold, and Applejack found herself facing the way she'd come, opposite the marshes. "The hay—" Applejack shook away a twinge of dizziness, retraced her steps and:


It happened again, precisely as clockwork. "—was that?" Applejack finished, vaguely nauseous, and considerably ticked off.

Twilight, her depression trumped by curiosity, paced to the exact spot where Applejack had been reversed, and scanned it with her horn.

"A concealed barrier ward?"

Twilight's magic reacted against another magic, briefly unveiling a gigantic translucent dome that arced far overhead. Everypony turned, following its edge, and saw:

"Equinox Greens!"

An ancient rainforest, interspersed by mountains, with a stormy flying island at its distant center.

"Hoo-ee!" Applejack whistled appreciatively. "Ain't that a sight fer sore eyes."

"Alright!" Spike fist-pumped. "We made it—ow!" He winced, rubbing his arm. Through the numb haze that pressed in from all sides, Twilight felt a flash of anxiety, red hot, twisting in her guts. Had he been hurt? Was his arm sprained? Was it broken? Could she fix it? Did she dare fix it, after everything she'd—

Spike irritably brushed some stray dirt off his injury, and Twilight's anxiety took a hike.

Thank goddess. Only a faint graze. His scales are barely scratched. Didn't even draw any blood. Got it when we landed here, most likely. Calm down, Twilight Sparkle. Save your energy for what comes next. And your guilt.

Even so, Twilight found herself taking a step forward, and gathering magic for a healing spell. Another pony responded more decisively. Fluttershy hurried over, took out her well-worn first aid kit, bandaged Spike's wrist in a snap and, without missing a beat, asked Applejack's stetson a question.

"So, Equinox Greens. Ring any bells, Discord?"

The hat sneezed, shot up, and suddenly Applejack found herself wearing a full-grown draconequus. "Not so much—"

"Oi! Git outta there!"

Nimbly dodging Applejack's punch, Discord disappeared inside her hat again, and reappeared in Rarity's mane, parting it like two silky purple curtains. " Not so much as a lone sleigh bell, I'm afraid."

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