By degrees, the crowd's roar of greeting faded. Below Equus Nox, Twilight Sparkle, Celestia, Luna and their companions, the peoples of Equestria waited with bated breath; a massive, living tide that crammed every inch of Canterlot's rebuilt pavilion. On the walls, royal guards trumpeted four fanfares, announced four names, and were echoed by a shout that rattled the palace's foundations.
"Hail, Princess Celestia!" The alicorn on Equus's left bowed in acknowledgement. "Hail, Princess Luna!" The one on her right did too. "Hail, Princess Twilight Sparkle!" The alicorn holding Equus's hoof knelt. "Hail, Princess Equus Nox!"
"Don't break a horn, your highness," said Twilight cheerily, and let Equus have the floor. Two steps, and she was there, on the verandah's edge.
Equus's heart pounded. Her throat went dry. Snakes writhed in her stomach. The speech she'd rehearsed with Twilight, Celestia, Luna and Cadance hung on the edge of memory.
Standing here, looking out upon her subjects, Equus found herself nearly overcome by shame. She recognized every face.
There was Princess Cadance, Twilight's best foalsitter in the history of foalsitters, and Prince Shining Armor, Twilight's Big Brother Best Friend Forever.
There was Sweetie Belle, Applebloom and Scootaloo, the Cutie Mark Crusaders bound by a friendship that outshone their blank flanks.
There were Big Mac and Granny Smith, Applejack's beloved sibling and grandmother.
There was Captain Spitfire, the finest and most decorated Wonderbolt leader in Equestria's current century.
There were Zecora, Trixie, Flim, Flam, Cheese Sandwich, Cheese's living rubber chicken, Captain Flash Sentry, Sergeant Major Firmhoof, the Wonderbolts, the royal guards, and tens of thousands more earth ponies, unicorns, pegasi, zebras, yaks, dragons and more.
Equus knew their faces. Knew the taste of their fear. She'd drunk from all of them when they'd last filled the pavilion, standing in endless stony ranks.
They'd feared her. Hated her. Cheered as she was struck down. Cowered as she consumed their world. Shaken as the Link of Harmony bound them to her. They'd seen her anew. And then, they had done the impossible.
They'd forgiven her.
Equus's Element sang. Her heartbeat slowed. Her nerves stilled. Shame gave way to hope. Equus swallowed. Cleared her throat. Readied the Royal Canterlot Voice. And began.
"Welcome, citizens of Equestria, to the Spring Equinox Festival. Take two." The crowd chuckled. "In the beginning, Queen Eponia, the great mother to us all, birthed our world with her love, and gave us the magic of Harmony."
Equus cast the spell even as she spoke its name.
"Today, we shall use that magic as it was meant to be used."
Harmony bound her to the ponies, dragon, draconequus and sphinx at her sides.
"Today, we shall be, one and all, united by the Link of Harmony."
It bound her to each and every Equestrian below.
"Today, we shall cast a Spring Equinox spell great enough to undo the damage I, as Queen Armonia, wrought upon your homes!"
Fifty-four thousand, seven hundred and eighty-six Equestrians shone, united by the powers of creation.
"Today, we—"
A red viper lashed at Equus's face!
Princesses of Equestria
FanfictionTwilight and her friends must save their realm from the terrifying Princess Armonia. Will friendship triumph? Or will fear conquer all?