- chapter two -

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Chapter Two
Newt Scamander

It was a brisk morning, the slight wind tousling Newt's curly hair. The sun was high in the sky and so bright he had to occasionally cover his eyes. Clutching his suitcase in one hand and a book in the other, Newt hurried toward the small white passenger boat that would take him to America.

To Tina.

"All aboard!" the captain of the ship called. Newt walked faster, handing the man his crumpled ticket before boarding the boat. The smell of salt in the air became strong as the boat left the docks, drifting into the calm turquoise waters.

Newt drummed his fingers on his leg as he sat, staring at the cover of his book. There was the title, in gold lettering, right in front of him. And his name, right below it. It seemed ethereal to him, like he was walking in a permanent dream.

Then a slip of paper fell out from between the pages of the book. At first Newt thought that one had ripped, but then he recognized it as the letter he had received a week earlier from his old friend, Leta Lestrange.

Unfolding it, Newt re-read the now familiar words -

Dearest Newt,

     It's been so long since we've spoken, and I feel like a dreadful friend. I've just been thinking about how badly I long to see you again. Would that be alright? I feel like we need a chance to get caught up, preferably sometime soon.

     Please respond, I need to hear from you. I hope you (and your beasts) are well!


In response,  Newt had sent her a letter explaining how he had already gotten his ticket to America, but he would love to see her sometime. Leta had then written him another letter saying that she would be glad to visit him in America any time.

Newt folded the letter again and stuffed it in his pocket. He didn't want to end up accidentally giving it to Tina.


Several hours later, the ship reached the docks in New York. After Newt's luggage was checked he scanned the crowd of people greeting each other, looking for a woman with chin-length brown hair and a gentle smile.

All of a sudden, a brute force slammed into him from behind. Newt thought someone was trying to rob him, but then his attacker said, "Newt!"

"Tina," he breathed, turning around to face her. She looked tired, like she had spent late nights doing work for MACUSA.

The woman wrapped her arms around him and hugged him so tightly that he thought Pickett, who was still in his lapel pocket, would get crushed. "It's so good to see you!" Tina exclaimed. Her familiar energy brought a bright smile to Newt's face. "I missed you, too," he assured her.

"Your book got published! Congratulations!" Tina said. She seemed incapable of not smiling.

"Speaking of which," Newt said, handing her the copy he'd brought with him.

Tina sucked in a breath, turning the book over in her hands and tracing each of the letters in the title with the tip of her finger. "Newt, it's...beautiful. Thank you," she said sincerely. It seemed she may have been thanking him for more than the book.

Giving another tight hug, Tina placed a tiny kiss on Newt's cheek.

His face burned.

Satisfied with herself, Tina looped her arm through Newt's and led him off to her flat.


After sneaking Newt up the stairs and through the door, Tina whispered, "Queenie, come say hello to our gue-"

She barely had time to finish before her sister came running out through the bedroom door, embracing the tall man before her. "It's good to see you again, Newt," she said warmly. "And congratulations!" Her eyes danced as she smiled.

"Thank you," Newt said, rather flustered.

"I'll take that off your hands," Queenie said to him, referring to the leather suitcase swinging in the man's hands. She set it off to the side. "Before we go to bed, we should definitely make sure that the latches are closed. All the way." She gave Newt a knowing look. "Don't want another disaster like last time, do we?" Queenie laughed her silvery laugh.

"Depends on who you ask," Tina pointed out.

Queenie clapped her hands once and gestured for the pair to take a seat at the table. Flicking her wand with delicate movements, she poured tea into light-blue-patterned teacups, setting one before Newt and one before Tina. Taking a sip from her own, Queenie crossed her legs and looked at Newt. "So what else is new with you?"

"Me? Oh, uh, not that much. Really. The whole...book thing's been taking up most of my time."

The blonde woman across from him nodded philosophically and took another sip of her tea.

"Yeah," Newt finished.

"Interesting," Queenie said, bobbing her head.

An awkward silence lulled over the trio.

"How have you two been? After...everything?" Newt asked, breaking the silence.

"It's certainty been less interesting," Tina said. Her younger sister nodded in agreement. "You sure know how to make things exciting, Mister Scamander."  He smiled at the teasing way she spoke.

"I take that as the highest compliment," he said.

"As well you should."

Another silence fell.

"Who's ready for bed?" Queenie asked, sounding like she was done with the conversation. When nobody answered, she huffed and stood up from her chair. "Oh, I see how it is. I'll just be going to bed, then. You two can stay up and talk." She snuck a wink to Tina before leaving the room.

"So," Tina said.

"So," Newt echoed.

"I'm, uh... I'm really glad you're back."

Newt grinned at her. "So am I."

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