Chapter 17

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It’s the last week of school before the winter break. As Carissa and I wait for the bus, I can feel that winter basically started because I can’t feel the point of my nose because of the coldness. Also when we got on to the bus the windows was all fogged up.

As soon as Christine got on the bus I could sense that something was wrong.

“Are you OK?” I ask her as she sat down next to me.

“Yeah, it’s just that stupid Emily is trying to get Quinten. She’s the one who came between me and Quinten the last time.” She gives a long sigh. “But the good thing is that Quinten told me that she started to text him and shit, the last time he didn’t tell me.”

“Why don’t you go talk to Emily and set things straight? You can’t just let her have her way again!” I exclaimed.

“Yep, you’re right” Christine said as she sighs again.

As we got to school, we both went our separate ways.

As I reached our usual place I saw my friends conversing, but then I see something terribly wrong. Sabrina is sitting with them. What the hell is she doing there?

“Hi…” I greet the group casually. They all greet back, except for Sabrina.

She runs over my dog, and then she doesn’t even have the decency to greet me, or to freaking apologise. I don’t think that she even know what a conscience is, never mind even having one.

“Kathy!” I hear Christine nervously call.

“Yeah?” I swing around. Her hand is over her eye. “What happened?” I quickly asked.

“Well, you know how you said that I have to speak to Emily…” she paused, “Yeah, she didn’t like that very much.”

“So she just punched you! That’s really immature and stupid.” I snapped

“I think it’s hilarious” I hear Sabrina chuckle behind me, I turned around to see that everyone looked at her with stern expression. “Oh, c’mon guys, it’s funny!” she tries to explain.

“Really, Sabrina… and what if it happened to you?” Stacy snaps at her.

“It won’t happen to me” Sabrina says and rolls her eyes.

“Oh, you wanna bet?” I snap at her.

“Oh really, are you going to do it, cuzzie?” She asks me sarcastically.

“Well, maybe I am!” I snap back at her.

Now we’re waiting outside the principal’s office, even the witnesses had to be there, and we could smell the coffee aroma coming out of the office. It took 4 girls to pull me of off Sabrina. Let’s just say Sabrina needs a serious dental appointment…

“What do you think the chances are that we’re getting coffee and cookies?” Stacy asked and giggled in a whispered tone.

The principal called in each of us one by one. Sabrina had been called in first. As we sit and wait my friends all agreed to say that Sabrina started the fight. They’re going to lie to the principal, just for me. I don’t think there are any better friends out there.

As Sabrina came out of the office, she had an ice pack which she held to her jaw. Wew wanted to laugh but we saw the principal’s head peering around his door.

“Katherine Lawrence.” He calls me. My heart was pounding, I’ve never been called to his office before.

I went in and he gestured me to sit down. His bald head was shiny, maybe he polishes it?

“Katherine, this isn’t like you.” He says with a stern expression.

“I know, sir. I’m sorry. It won’t happen ever again.” I apologise.

“Because this is your first offence ever, we are not going to expel you, but if anything like this happens again, you definitely are going to get expelled.” He smiled at me, “But we’re gonna have to call your parents.”

Oh shit. They are going to take my phone, kill me, and then make me alive just so that they can kill me again!

“Thank you, sir” I said and tried to smile.

To my surprise the rest of my day went by quickly, but I was nervous to face my parents once they got home. Donovan tried to reassure me all day that things will be fine, but I doubt that!

When I got home my parents were already there. Shit.

“Mom, Dad, before you say anything, just know that I’m sorry and that it won’t happen ever again!”  I quickly explained.

“Sorry about what, honey?” my mom asks confused.

What? So the principal did not call them? Well this just got awkward.

“Uhmmm…. Sorry about losing my phone the other night.” I quickly thought of something to say.

“It’s OK, things like that happen! It’s not as if you’re causing any trouble at school” my dad says and laughs. I also laugh, but super nervously.

I went up to my room and quickly texted Donovan.


I did a happy dance, but got startled when I saw my dad standing in the door.

“So, I just had an interesting phone call with Sabrina’s dad.” He says sternly.

“NOOOOOOOOOOO” I mentally yell.

“Dad, I can explain, Sabrina was being a biatch and I just snapped!” I tried to explain, but he obviously didn’t understand my reasons.

“Your phone!” He demands, “And also, you’re not allowed to see Donovan anymore, since you met him you’ve been going out of control!”

“What? Dad, you can’t do that!” I snap

“I can and will. And just try to go behind my back, you’ll be sorry!” he informed me.

He is NOT going to stop me from seeing Donovan! I handed him my phone and fell down on my bed, sulking.

He is NOT going to forbid me from seeing Donovan. Just watch!

Writer’s note

Don’t cross Katherine! You may or may not lose some teeth!

And will Kath get around her dad and see Donovan?

Stay tuned.




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