Forbidden Blood Ch.7

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Ch.7 The Bloody Afternoon
The sun hits the lids of Haruka's eyes as she took a moment to enjoy the feeling of it on her skin. She had been on the roof for quite a while ignoring the current crisis at hand. She was happy her and Roxxi had made a new friend but at what cost? Shade would have to make a hard sacrifice. "Haruka." Haruka turned at the voice surprised when she saw Kurosu standing at the roofs entrance. "It's you! What are you doing here?" Kurosu's white hair caught the rays of the sun and his red eyes glowed as he looked over Haruka. "I heard about this mission from the higher ups. I also heard you guys had run into some complications." He took long strides over to where Haruka was sunbathing. As he neared her, he took a strand of her long white hair in his hand and brought it to his lips. "I haven't seen a angel so pure in a long time." Haruka grew confused once again. "But you saw me just the other day. Plus aren't you an angel?" Kurosu laughed at that. He brought his hand up and pet Haruka's head. "Yes and No." Haruka's was even more confused but just as she was about to ask more the roof door swung open. " Haru-KUROSU WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" Roxxi scowled as she stomped over to the two. "Happy to see me little sister?" Roxxi growled and crossed her arms. Kurosu raised his hands in fake surrender. "Haha do not worry sister I was not trying to kidnap little Haruka here. She is far too precious to be dealt with like that." He then cleared his throat and brought out a slip of paper. Roxxi's scowl remained prominent on her features but she retrieved the paper from Kurosu's hands. She looked over the paper carefully before taking a deep breath and letting out a long sigh. "They don't trust me enough to let me handle a mission by myself." Kurosu chuckled and took the paper back stuffing it in his pocket. "What did you expect when you brought back an angel heir from Sahia?" Roxxi huffed straightening herself. "Do what you want Kurosu but stay out of my way." Kurosu did a lazy salute at Roxxi's words. Roxxi was in the middle of a yell when her body stiffened. Haruka noticed Kurosu tense as well and both their heads swing to the door of the roof. "The time has come it seems." Roxxi sighed disappointed she had let herself get distracted in all this drabble. Kurosu had Haruka get on his back as they followed Roxxi inside. He argued that it was so he could get away with her faster, but Roxxi was pretty sure he only wanted Haruka on his back for his own benefit.  They stopped mid step as they heard voices. One of the voices Haruka recognized as Shade but the other was unfamiliar to her. "Teacher, I'm glad you made it back safely." Shade spoke. Haruka could hear a strain in her voice. "Yes, you look pale Shade. What's wrong?" Another voice said. It sounded older than Shade but not by much. "I-I'm sorry." Haruka felt tears well up in her eyes and she buried her face into Kurosu's neck causing him slight confusion. "Wh-" Haruka heard a loud crash and thud. After that it was silent for a while until finally. "AHHHHH!" A scream erupted through the structure. Roxxi was the first to move heading towards the noise. Kurosu took hesitant steps behind her, careful for Haruka's safety. They stepped in the room where Shade sat on the floor, her knees to her face. The mentor laid sprawled out on the ground. His blood soaked into the floorboards. Haruka wormed out of Kurosu's grip and ran over to Shade. She knelt down until she could see Shade's face. Shade's fangs had elongated, probably from the blood, and she had tears streaming down her face. "Curse this damn body. Curse this thirst for blood I feel even now." Shade repeated over and over. "Shade shhh." Haruka lifted her hand and wiped away some of Shade's tears. As she was pulling her hand away Shade gripped her wrist and bit into her arm. Haruka winced but did not whine. Kurosu stepped forward only to be stopped by Roxxi. "This was part of our deal." Roxxi spoke calmly but was clearly upset. Kurosu folded his arms letting his eyes light with rage. He definitely didn't like this flea sucking from the first pure angel he'd seen in millennia. He'd had to share her with his sister because she was the one who found her but this was too much. Shade caught sight of the look Kurosu gave. It caused her to cut off her bloodlust and back away from Haruka. "What's wrong Shade? It's okay." Haruka's sweet voice contrasted with the look of murderous rage coming from Kurosu. "Who is he?" Shade questioned softly not wanting to alert him. "Oh that's Kurosu. He is Roxxi's brother." Shade kept her distance from him. Haruka shrugged guessing things were okay. By the time anyone had noticed Roxxi was already finished with disposing the body of Trace Griffith. The afternoon had come and the sky lit up in a bloody red and orange color. Kurosu had helped Haruka bandage her arm. Roxxi had called Bakua to take them back to the demon realm. All seemed quiet. Kurosu made himself at home stating he couldn't leave Haruka's side now that they had adopted a vampire. He stayed on the couch while Haruka inhabited the bed. Shade made a makeshift bed on the floor as far from Kurosu as possible and closer to Haruka. Roxxi sat in her chair watching as the bloody afternoon faded into a dark night.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2019 ⏰

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