ice breakers

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Walking to Mateo's

"Hey Hassein, what is it like?"Jojo spins around on the long silver metal crosswalk sign, looking at me with curious expression. "What's what like?"

Her hands twirls a bit and she's humming something sweet."having everything you ever wanted. Ya know, being rich."She shrugs making a second twirl around the pole. "I see you like the pole, a lot. "I raise an eyebrow smiling.

She pauses with her hand on her hip,"hardy har, very funny. You wish." She jumps down ,walking over to me and slapping her leather pastel blue bag from my hand. "Come on, rich boy, answer the question. "


We began out journey down the neighborhood passing dog owners and past babysitters. Suburban type stuff. I think we passed about two corner stores and a gas station. From a street a so away I could see a sign lighting up in yellow reading off, "Oldies Comics".

"How about I'd I tell you something about myself and you tell me something about yourself."

"Ugh fine,but I'm going in the comic store regardless. "She warns, poking me with her index finger again. Swear I'm going to bruise again."Aight, fine."

"I don't get everything I want. I can't even spend time my parents on holidays."I tell her. Besides the parking golden retriever her humming is the only thing I could hear. "My dad is an alcoholic."

She doesn't look at me only the ground while we walk. "I'd be lucky to get a phone call on holidays. Sometimes they'd send the wrong post card to me since they forgot my birthday." We both stop at the big red stop sign looking side to side for cars.

"I umm, I pray some nights that my mom would divorce him. But she stays anyway."She says nonchalantly pulling open the door before I could. She turn to me with her eyes rolling before waltzing in. I step in as well looking around at mountain of different comic posters and weird goth music.

"What kind of comics do you like?"I ask while getting a good look before I even noticed she was gone. "Jojo is like that. She's been living here since my dad ran the place. "

My eyes darted to the cash register seeing a Caucasian guy with dark hair and thick glasses. He wore a white shirt with "Teen Titans" plastered on it. Figures. "I just bet."I roll my eyes slightly, wondering where she could have gone. I start down the narrow hall which was dimly lit by the way.

Rolls and rolls of different comics that I couldn't even recognize. So this is what she usually reads when she's ignoring me. Well ,you do learn something everyday. I spotted her squatting down at the end of the roll. "This is a nice view,luv. "

"Would manage yourself? "She scoffs still rummaging through things. She seems so focused that it's almost adorable. God she's amazing. "Yeah I might be able to manage it."I mutter leaning against something.

"So what comics do you buy?"

"Teen Titans, Young Justice League stuff of that nature. "She shrugs.

I didn't know anything she was talking about, so I just smile and nod. I didn't think she was the type since she's super assertive. I thought she'd be more into R.L Stein books or Stephen King. She just seems dark.

"I'm done."She's pushing me aside like I'm just a fat piece of meat. I scoff with my hand nearly glued to my chest, appalled. "Well, what am I just a piece of meat?"I ask following behind her to the cash register. She slaps them on the fiber glass and pulls out her wallet. "I got it for you Joey."

She stops, "What you're a sponsor now?"

"More like sugar daddy?"I wink playfully while she rolls her eyes and continues to pull out a bill."no foreal, we're friends and I said I gotcha"

She just stares with her arms folded across her chest and her eyes rolling again.."Fine but don't bring it up again, punk."she leans against the counter with her head resting on her hand like she's so tired of me . I smile anyway and pull out my debt card."I love you too, "

Earlier at the park

"I think you're pretty too,Rudy."I grab my skateboard from the ground and follow her out the gates. From the back I couldn't see anything besides her ass and her long thick hair. The silence was breaking my confidence a bit.

"Sydney, you're a great friend but I-"

My cheeks burns and I could feel my heart thumping miles a minute. I just couldn't hear her say the words that I knew she was going to say. I didn't have the heart. "I get it. It's fine-its really fine."

Honestly, it wasn't fine at all. It only made me felt stupid as hell. She was just being friendly and I took it the wrong way. God, I'm so stupid.
She turns around to face me with this guilty look on her face. "I just don't want this coming between us because you're such a good friend.

Well out me in a awkward friend zone why don't you? I stood here with my eyes on the cement ground and her words bouncing of the walls of my brain. I don't know what was worse the silly fact that I thought she'll like me or that she realized I liked her and she put me in the friendzone.

I just want this day to be over."Yeah diddo."



"Hey! Don't touch it. I told you I'll make it for you."Pedro slaps my hand away and takes away chicken. I move my self from leaning on the counter to the stool. I pull all my loose braids into a big scrunchy. "You don't have to make food. I'm a big gi-"

"Oh shut it babe. Your favorite food is chicken and fries so I'll make that for you."He puts on the red plaid apron and spins around to get the flour from the cabinet.

"Why are you being nice to me?"

"Because you're my best friend. And you're sad so."he does this careless shrug that I would have done and takes out the seasoning. "Thanks dude."

"Not a problem bub."

"She put me in the friend zone by the way. "I say grabbing a apple and taking big bite. He looks at me for a moment before shaking his head. "She doesn't know what she's missing."

"Oh shut up."

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