jawbreakers and Ed edd,and Eddy.

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His face lightens in surprise but he pulls on the facade of a neutral face. I press my lips together a little more before sighing and lying back against the metal bars. I can feel his gaze on me while I did all this. I guess it was expected.

"How are your treatments going then?"he asks leaning back in a casual and comfortable state. He starts playing with his bottom lip while casually looking over at me.

My treatments are frequent just as my father's visits are.reasons whyI'm coughing up blood and wheezing every time I walk a distance. I should probably take the hint to go to the hospital but it requires insurance that I don't have.

"Treatments are treatments."I say just as I always do when my family brings my condition into play. To be truthful the treatments are expensive as hell. It's not like we have a steady income or a great job to help out. I'm just kind of ...stuck.

"When is your next appointment ? I wanna go with you."h is finger was running up my thigh now in a repeated pattern. I should have probably told the whole truth but it's not what he'd like to hear.

"No time soon. It's fine I'm a big boy Mateo. "

He shakes his head, chuckling at my comment as if I were joking. He knew me and I just had to accept that. In defeat I sigh and focus on my hands again. Large and in charge. My bruising went away finally.

"You can't blame me for trying to protect you. You're like a sacred jewel that I have to protect constantly."he says in reference. I roll my eyes tugging a smile on my face. He's such a corn ball,m an. "I'm your inuyasha."

I bite down my chuckle and push his face away playfully. "You're such a cake."

"Busted."he says putting his hands up in surrender. By now I'm chuckling and all this, even though in the end it'll only be saddens. Someone's bound to get hurt,but I guess it's fun to take chances. Especially dealing with risky business.

His chuckling dies out and he's fixing to stand up. I can sense his anticipation from here. "Where ya headed?"I get up as well while following his gaze else where.

"It's just that ..this all feels like a dream. You..you feel like a dream,"he chokes out in deep realization and it's just so heart breaking for me to swallow this. All this praise is making me uncomfortable. So awkwardly I grin and fiddle with my fingers. "Thanks."

"You're my odd doughnut, aren't you?"he grins back and closes in the distance between us. I wasn't sure an odd doughnut was a compl-wait he's mad close to my mouth! Is he gon-


"You sure you have to go? You know you can squeeze into the rest of my things if you want."Mateo reminds me with a sparkling wink that hit me in a sexual way. I smirk and pull the keys from my pocket while wrapping my arm around him and pulling him near me.

"What am I to do with you?" my eyes never leaving his endless brown ones as if speaking a cryptic language.

I bet the neighborhood's watching from the comfort of their homes..That doesn't even matter though. Let them watch all they'd like. I'm usually not the pda type but changes my whole perspective.

"I love you. "

I smile a little more trying not to blush. The level of affection that he's giving me is so foreign that I'm not sure how to take it. So I don't.
"That's calming to hear. I'll see you tomorrow."I peck his cheek avoiding his stare and pulling back with my arms folded.

"Looking forward to it."


"..I mean imagine. A warm summer's night under the silky navy sky where the stars hang low, nearly kissing the tip of our noses. No insects, no distractions. Just me you and the world. Isn't that beautiful? "

He opens his mouth to say something but that smile consumes him so now he's just beaming at me. I cut my eyes back at him after staring at the writing on his shirt. "Yeah I read a lot so I just ya know. Thought about it off rip."

He scoffs and folds his arms as If he didn't believe me. Or maybe it's because I was boasting. "Aww look at you little joey." he curls the corners of his lips into a teasing smile that I've grown to feel bitter sweet about. And just like that I roll my eyes and twirl off into the other side of the room.

And he does that thing that boys do when they want to be cute and seen. So he does the licking of the lips then he squint his eyes with a sly to it. Fuck boy move.

"Ha, real smooth play boy"

"Jo, so when are you gonna admit it?"

I furrow my eyebrows. Confused."wha?"

"Admit that you're in love with me, "he sighs and rolls his eyes like it's just so obvious. "I'm lovable. "

"Lil boy." is all I had to say.

"Uh -huh, Lil girl." he's walking towards me now with a sexual tint in his eyes that scares me yet it's sort of sexy.

"Answer the question. You know it."

"Oh naw, me and relationships don't get along."

He's mooning me now. Delicately wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me in. He's going to try and touch on me and kiss my neck. His cologne is all in my system and I kind of love it.

What am I saying? What am I feeling? "I'm hungry."I blurt just as he's tempting to kiss my jawline. He pauses and holds it." really?"

"Yeah so move."

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