Heaven- not really

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Everything was black. Not white like the movies, which usually implies your on the way to heaven. That's what terrified me- I must be on the way to hell.

Looking back at my life, I seemed like a pretty decent person. I mean, the worst thing I ever did was forget my brother at school because I was so engrossed in studying for my psychology test. In fact, now that I think about it, I was a really good person. Almost like a baby Jesus! Ok fine, I might be over exaggerating. There was this one time I kissed Kimmy in the closet at my best friends birthday party. But to be fair, we were both crushing on each other and it was a one time thing.

I did lie a lot though, only white lies but lying nonetheless. And I guess I screamed at my parents a couple of times but only when it was totally not my fault. I think. Why is it so hard to remember anything? What's my name again? Wh- but my train of thought was cut of by two loud voices. "-No Ally! I'm telling you the girl was an angel! She used to volunteer at orphanages, cook meals for the poor, and even babysit her little brother so her parents could go out on date nights."

"Jensen, I don't think we're taking about the same person! This girl is a lying, manipulative little scum!"

"Oh come on! Ally don't be so-"

"CUT IT OUT BOTH OF YOU." A deeper voice.

"We're so sorry Mr.-" but their mumbles drift away and it's like they were never even here in the first place.

Were they talking about me? I never volunteered at any orphanages. Or any of the other angelic deeds (Jensen?) mentioned. Hmm, that's weird but I can't really dwell on it because for some reason it's so hard to keep any information in my head! What's going on? Do I just sit here and wait?

"-How did she die anyway? Wasn't it a car crash?" It sounds like Jensen. I think.

"Yes, poor girl. But I must say that she-devil deserved it! What a little-"

"Ally! Hold your temper, she could be here any minute."

I think about speaking up. I don't think they're aware that I can hear what they're saying. They sound quite far away though. Maybe I'm not quite there yet.

All of a sudden, I'm overcome by this weird sensation that I'm falling- extremely fast.

   It feels like waking up, except I was always awake. It's like I was dead my whole life and now I've finally woken up. Does that make sense?

   For some reason, it's not scary or even boring here. It's extremely calming. Until, two faces appear right above me. Jensen and Ally.

   It turns out they're both males, or at least they look like males. Except Jensen has a high pitched squeak and Ally has a deeper voice.

"State your soul." I'm not sure who said it. All of a sudden I completely forgot how they sound and all I can hear is a monotone drawl- no emotion at all. And how do you state your soul?

"Um... a good soul?" I answer feverishly.

"Huh!" Ally tuts loudly, rolling his eyes. Black eyes. And for the first time, I notice his devil ears. Yes, devil ears.

I look to Jensen, but all of a sudden, he's gone. In fact, they both are. And then it's that booming voice that hushed them before. "FELICITY, YOUR CURRENT STATUS IS: UNTIL. YOU ARE TO BE TRANSFERRED TO DELEGATION STATE IN APPROXIMATELY 2 MINUTES."

And before I know it, something extremely bright flashes in my eyes, and a group of faces are staring down at me. "Welcome until 20."

Hello world! This is my third Wattpad story published! Don't try to look for the others because I removed them... but don't worry they weren't really good. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this story, and don't forget to vote and leave some feedback! xxx- Taleen

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