Seven Seconds in Hell

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After my revelation about the rather questionable reality of the memories, the tests have become so much easier to solve. Now I can answer them honestly, without worrying about what the person marking the exam would think. After all, we NEVER get the results back and I'm starting to wonder where they're being marked at all.

That day, after the second morning test, Romeo called up an 'emergency' meeting in the court. Everyone but Lucky showed up, and I made a mental note to ask Romeo about that later. In fact, when I think about it, I don't think I've seen Romeo and Lucky in the same room together since the first test. But all my worries vanquish when I enter the court with Nate by my side. Ian is with  Annie, whom, but the way, after only being here for two short months, has proven herself to the slut of the afterlife. Today she's wearing the shortest shorts I've ever seen- she might as well be wearing underwear- and a black, bralette with straps running around her voluminous breasts. She has her long, blond hair swept up into an effortless messy bun, and a cute pair of strap-on sandals. But the complements end there because another thing I've come to notice is that she is the ultimate bitch.

As if on cue, Annie whips her head towards me. I quickly turn away, but it's too late- the damage has been done. Three seconds later, they're marching towards us. Nate notices my discomfort and links his hand in mine. My heart slows down a couple of beats.

"FELLYYYY! How great to see you here! But, in case you haven't noticed this isn't community service," she drawls, eyeing my loose gray sweater and white jeans. Well it isn't a strip club either, I want to say. But obviously I don't. Another thing I've noticed about her: she is not a person you want to mess with. Then again, neither am I.

"Annie that's enough," Ian says. I turn to look at him but he doesn't meet my stare. Is he embarrassed?

"Ohhh, looks like I've been a very bad girl!" she yells, dragging an elegant finger down is chest. "What's my punishment, daddy?" then she pulls his head towards hers and smashes their lips together. Ew. Ew. Ew. Get a room! I think I'm gonna throw up.

Ian pulls away and glares at her. His face heats up just as he's about to explain, but I cut him off, "Well, this was nice, but I'm afraid we have to get going... so, bye!" I yank Nate away from the pity party and for the first time, look around.

I can't help but let out a small giggle. As it turns out, Romeo turned the whole space into...well, It kind of looks like a failed attempt at recreating a high school party. On the few tables present in the court, an assortment of simple foods had been splayed out along with some alcohol and pepsi. Confetti and balloons litter the floor, and a large speaker sits in the corner, currently silent. I'm shocked I still remember what an Earth party looks like; now that world just feels impossibly far away. Almost like it never even happened.

"Don't worry about her, Felicity. She's just jealous," Nate says.

"Well, obviously, I mean look at me!" I say sarcastically. We laugh and walk over to the board.

At first everything seems ok, but then the memories of my first encounter with the board come rushing back and then it's just too overwhelming. I let out a small gasp unintentionally.

Nate whips his head to face mine. "Are you ok?" he asks, worry creasing his brow. His care for me warms my heart to the core.

"I am now," I smile. He smiles back with that million dollar smile, that lights up his entire face. In seconds, I forget all about Annie and Ian and the board.  It takes me a few moments to realize that I'm ogling at him, but just before I have time to blush and turn away, Romeo appears out of thin air and starts to speak.

"UNTILS, MALE AND FEMALE. WELOME," Romeo says loudly from the front stage. My eyes search for a microphone, but there doesn't seem to be one in sight. Hmm, I guess angels can really just amplify their voice like that. YOU'RE PROBABLY WONDERING TWO THINGS, THE FIRST BEING WHY THE HELL DID I CALL YOU IN FOR A PARTY. AND THE SECOND BEING HOW IN HELL CAN I POSSIBLY BE SOO HOT," the girls roll their eyes at this, I included, "WELL, UNFORTUNATELY,  I CAN'T ANSWER THAT SECOND ONE, BUT, I'M VERY EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE THAT TODAY IS OUR FIRST EVER  ANNUAL DELEGATES DAY PARTY.

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