Beef between Romeo and Lucky

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I try to speak, but I can't. It's like all the voice inside of me was just sucked out. I try again. Nothing. "Don't worry Felly, its natural when you first meet a devil. The name's Romeo but you can call me tonight!" He laughs, stepping out of the shadows. "Come upstairs, there's a lot you need to know." With that, he slips back into the dark. I think he wants me to follow. Moving slowly, I look back at the rest of the untils.
"Are you guys just gonna wait or-?" I ask.

Ian blinks. And then they're gone. Just like that.
"Ok, then..," What now? Should I try to teleport like they did? Thinking of Romeo with as much concentration as I can muster, I close my eyes and wait. I open them.

And I'm greeted with pitch black. All around me. It worked. Wow. "Um, Juliet, do you mind maybe giving me a hint or something? Cause if you haven't noticed I'm kind of-"

"Open your damn eyes, idiot." Romeo. At least it sounds like him.

I thought I already opened them. I try to close them and open them again. Still nothing.

"HAHAHAHAHA, I'm just kidding! Your so gullible! It's the second door to your left," he says. He is so damn frustrating!

"I can't see Romeo! Stop with the games!" But I guess he's done because I'm greeted with compete and utter silence.

All of a sudden, something lights up. A small bulb suspended form a cord. And hanging over a door. Good enough for me. I walk straight into the room.

To my relief, the room inside is lit with candles scattered around the room. It looks pretty normal to me. Almost like a dark principles office. Old furniture- a desk with one chair behind it two chairs in front facing it, an old couch in the corner, a stack of old books atop a wooden side table. Nothing much.

"Please sit," says Romeo from behind the desk. Again with the sudden appearances. Am I supposed to get used to this? I move toward the chairs before him and sit on one. I can't wait for an explanation.

"Ok, can you please tell me what I'm doing here, and why I'm not in hell already," I say, because I'm pretty sure that where I'm headed.

"Let's start with Delegation State. This is where we keep our untils. You are one of them. In fact, you are until 20 in province 20. The last in the last province. How nice," he smiles a fake and evil smile, "As soon a person dies, he or she turn seventeen. You're lucky, because you died at that age to begin with," he says. Now his voice is getting more serious. The room seems darker now. "The only reason you are here is because your fate is undecided."

Wait. That's it? Why isn't my fate decided? Didn't they have all my life to decide? He looks up at me from beneath his long dark hair. And for the first time I take in his appearance. And it takes all of my will power to keep my jaw from dropping. Hot isn't even near enough to explain what he is. He is...unreal. Eyes so blue they look like melting glass. His skin is so tan and beautiful and every feature on his face is stark and clear. His jaw line is so sharp I actually fear it might cut me. But there is something off about him that I can't quite put my finger on.

"Any questions, beautiful?" he says in his sexy voice. And a smirk. I hope he doesn't think I like him or anything. Because for some reason I actually don't. Even though other girls would be drooling.

"What are you? I mean- I know your a devil but why are you here in Dela-whatever," I ask.

"Delegation State. I'm here because I have to be. Every province has Overseers to make sure no one steps out of line. And also because I'm going to be quizzing you," he finishes. Quizzing? Did I leave my school only to go to another one? This day just keeps getting worse.

"Then who is the other overseer?" I find myself say.

He hesitates. Swallows once, twice. "His name is Lucky. He will also be testing you. You will have more information tomorrow for now, just try to get some sleep, okay? And with that he's gone. I don't get it? Did I say something wrong?

Get some sleep. How do I do that? But I don't have to think for long because I find myself standing in the midst of a large room, brightly lit. All the other untils are here. "Nate!" I call when I spot him.

"Oh, Felicity, how did the meeting go?" he asks.

"Weird. I still have so many questions."

"Don't we all. Come on, you should get some rest," he says, and takes my hand in his. He leads me through the hallway and into a round room with doors all around. Numbered 1-20. "This is your room," he says gesturing to the one numbered 20, "Good night."

I don't see where he goes next because I'm so tired and all I can think about is finally getting to rest. Bolting into my room, I slam the door shut. And collapse onto the bed.

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