chapter four

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"You talked to Tommy?" I sat with Terrance at a nice restaurant in Los Angeles. The weather was perfect, it was sunny but the sun wasn't burning. It was just right. I wanted to surround myself with good people.

I nodded, answering his question. "Yeah. He took me to the hospital when i passed out at the club."

"Oh," He sounded worried, chewing his food and taking a sip of his wine. Alcohol. Tempting.. "Are you alright? Why did you pass out?" He asked curiously. I swallowed and tried to come up with a reasonable answer that didn't sound like total bullshit.

"I, uh, I drank a little bit too much." I giggled, looking at him. He smiled and talked away, getting lost in conversation. The whole time i couldn't focus. The bar at the side of me just kept the temptation alive, and i didn't know what to do. I was so worried that i would lose it and binge. I didn't want to disappointed Tommy.

"I'm so glad you and Tommy sorted things out. We can finally go and party together." He sipped on his drink again and i smiled.

"Yeah. That would be really nice."


I hesitantly walked into a liquor store, driving there was a nightmare. I felt like a total disgrace, but i couldn't stand this feeling. Without alcohol, at least, i felt like i would die. Maybe Tommy wouldn't find out, if i don't tell him.

I purchased a bottle of Vodka and held myself back from getting anything else, handing the money over the counter and grabbing the bottle harshly. Inside i was kicking myself, but on the outside i just wanted my fix. That's all i wanted. All i needed.

"Thanks." I exclaimed, the guy at the counter nodding at me. I walked out and sat in my car, immediately ripping the cap off of the bottle. I drank it from the nozzle like my stupid life depended on it, and i felt as though i was a liar. A liar to Tommy, my parents, my friends, and my fans. Im a wreck. A mess.

I gasped as the burning in my throat came back. The familiar feeling that lingered, and made me feel warm inside. I knew it was doing horrible things to my body but i didn't care. I was so self destructive.

I let the time pass by gulping down half of the bottle, and by that time, i was totally off of my head. I was dizzy, the steering wheel i sat in front of looked like it was swaying. Everything around me was moving and i tried to keep my eyes open, knowing i would have to drive home in this state. At least nobody would be there to see me like this, at least nobody had to know.

I started my car and threw the bottle of vodka beside me on the passengers seat, swallowing my disgust. I backed out of the car park accelerating a little too quickly, almost hitting a pole behind me. I took a deep breath and put my car in drive, taking off again to the highway. I tried to be as normal as possible, considering i was totally wasted and had no idea what was going on. I was a danger to others on the road, especially myself.

A few people sounded their horn as i accidentally moved too far into my lane, causing them to swerve sharply.

"Sorry!" I yelled, not even realising that no one could hear me as all of my windows were closed. I sped off as the traffic lights turned a light shade of green, going off into the hills of Hollywood. I looked observantly to find my house hidden in the wilderness as more drivers beeped and swore over at me.

Wasted || Adam Lambert (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now