Petrificus Totalus

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As soon as they flew out of the pensive, McGonagall whirled her wand over her head.

"Petrificus Totalus!"

The headmaster has little to no time to respond, so he now was floating face up to the ceiling with his hands to the sides of his head, bobbing at the feet of the deputy head mistress.

It was fortunate that it was a holiday or the sound of the sensible boots clopping along with the headmaster float above the floor would be very peculiar to the millions of students, even McGonagall herself won't be able to find a valid normal excuse for this.

The sound of McGonagall old lady high heel boots echoed through the hallways, stopped at the Room Of Requirement.

"A magic-proof room even Albus Dumbledore can't break pass unless he tells me the truth or until I said so."

Sherbet Lemons {Albus Dumbledore}Where stories live. Discover now