Silver and Red - 13

47 7 2

Cartoon Junkie is so talented! I LOVE her work!!!!😍💖

But Mkay

OKay BACK TO THE Story! 😂😂




I felt a tug on my hand, and once I glanced at Mark, I saw that Felix had gotten ahold of his wrist.

"Mark! Let him go, Felix!"

I pulled harder, almost tugging Mark free of his grasp. Don't take him! I won't let you!

"Give it up, leprechaun!"

I growled.


A chuckle escaped his lips, and he nodded towards Cry.

"Then we'll have to make you."

(Mark's POV)

Pain seared through my arms, but my only thought was if Sean could hold on much longer.

And what Felix meant by "Then we'll make you."

"Cry! Now!"

I flinched as a whizzing sound slid past my ear, quickly followed by the sharp glint of silver.

A knife.

"Sean! Du-"

Fuck! No!

(I'm so sorry for all you Jackaboy fans out there!!🤧😭🙃You definitely will not like the next part!)

The knife lodged into his side, causing him to cry out in pain, then stumble to the pavement.


Using all of my strength, I wrenched my arm forward, sending Felix flying ahead of me.

"Oh fuck. Oh shit. Jesus Christ you're a strong mother fu-"

I whipped around and cut Cry off, fear covering every inch of his expression. Too late, bud. I clutched the collar of his sweatshirt in my fist and lifted him off of the ground.

"Now you listen here. You hurt Sean one more time, and I swear to God, I will beat the ever living shit out of you. Understand?!"

He nodded, and suddenly, a wave of pity washed over me. I hate the fact that I have to enforce things with threats, but that's the only way they'll listen. They always have to choose the hard way.

Cry continued nodding, and I dropped him to his knees.

"I promise! I w-won't!"

He stood and booked it; past Sean and past Felix. Ken had already retreated, like the baby he is, and Signe and Amy didn't even bother to follow.


Crouching down next to him, I checked for a pulse.

He's alive.

The knife in his waist looked absolutely horrifying, and I wanted to help so bad, but I knew I couldn't take it out; it would cause Sean more pain.


Sean's eyes fluttered open halfway, and a small smile crept onto his lips.

"A-Are they...g-gone?"

I smiled, too. I mean, yeah, my boyfriend was just stabbed by a flying fucking knife. But, if I panicked, that would cause him to panic too, and that's the last thing I want to happen.

I pulled out my half-dead phone and quickly called 911.

"Yeah, they're gone, Jackaboy."

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Um yeah, hi, my boyfriend- uh, he.."


God damnit, pull yourself together, Mark!

"He's been hit."

"Okay. Identify the item he has been in collision with."

"A k-knife.."

Sean's eyes slowly started to droop, and his chest was rising slower and slower.


No no no no no.

"Hurry! I don't think he can hang on much longer!"


"*** Beech Hill Road."

"Thank you. I'll have an ambulance head your way immediately. Stay on the line, sir. What's your name?"

"M-Mark Fischbach."

"Alright, and your boyfriend's name? Last name included, please."

"Sean McLoughlin."

Right after the 'n,' sirens blared from the street over, and I rested Sean's head on my lap, speaking in a quite loud yet soothing voice. I held onto him for dear life, because I...well..

I don't want to lose him.



Go ahead




Well there will be more where that came from-

NO IM JKING I'm not hurting anyone else!


Okay that's a lie🤣

BAI my lovelies!!😘😋😂🦋

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